Tech Reddit AMA

with Nebulas CTO Robin Zhong before the Mainnet Launch

3 min readMar 23, 2018


Nebulas will launch its Mainnet 1.0 on March 29th. To communicate our progress to our community and introduce the technical improvements to the Mainnet 1.0, we will hold a Tech Reddit AMA on March 26th. Nebulas CTO Robin Zhong will be there to answer all your questions online.

Besides having basic features most mainstream blockchains possess, Nebulas Mainnet 1.0 focused on improving the infrastructure functionalities. We aim to make the Mainnet more friendly to developers and to better prepare it for our future development on the application layer.

Nebulas Mainnet 1.0 has the following features:

1) Supporting smart contracts written in JavaScript, making it more developer-friendly.

Nebulas utilizes an original Nebula Virtual Machine (NVM), which implements the Nebulas V8 engine based on the Chrome V8 engine. Developers can now write smart contracts in JavaScript and TypeScript language. Nebulas will gradually get more compatible with more languages ​​that developers are familiar with, such as Python, Ruby, Java, and Node, so developers can easily get started.

2) High-concurrency block synchronization, improving the development speed significantly.

The synchronization of Nebulas’ Maninnet utilized a chunk-based method. Each chunk contains 32 blocks and 10 chunks can be synchronized in parallel at a time. This technological improvement is also more conducive to node joining, saving the time required for block synchronization, enabling Nebulas to more quickly expand the network ecology.

3) Using RocksDB as a data storage method, improving the efficiency by more than 5 times.

Nebulas Mainnet is designed with a pluggable, low-level data storage interface that allows easy and seamless access to different data storage methods. Relying on this storage interface, Nebulas development team tested multiple sets of storage solutions and ultimately chose RocksDB as the data storage implementation. Compared with mainstream blockchain systems, RocksDB can improve storage efficiency by more than 5 times.

This online AMA will be a good opportunity for everyone to understand the technology behind Nebulas’ Mainnet. Community members are invited to ask technical questions on Reddit and vote for the questions they are interested in. We will answer them according to the votes.


March 26th at 8:00 (UTC-07:00, San Francisco) / March 26th at 23:00 (UTC+08:00, Beijing)

Nebulas official Reddit channel:

Following updates about this AMA will be posted on March 24th. Please stay tuned!

About Nebulas CTO Robin Zhong:

Nebulas co-founder, former architect of Ant Financial’s Blockchain Platform, former Senior Development Director of Dolphin Browser, Leader of Game Division. Graduated from Huazhong University of Science and Technology. He is also the founder of Tongxinclub, the first Blockchain support platform in China.

About Nebulas:

Nebulas is a technology platform providing a decentralized search framework for blockchain data. Based on an open and transparent ranking algorithm “Nebulas Rank”, Nebulas evaluate the blockchain data behind addresses, smart contracts and DApps to help users find valuable information more efficiently in a world with booming blockchain data.



Nebulasio / Nebulas is a next generation public blockchain, aiming for a continuously improving ecosystem.