The first round of community voting will began today!

Published in
2 min readSep 29, 2019

The first round of community voting will begin on September 29th! This will also mark the first time that the Nebulas community will use dStaking tools for attempted community governance.

Voting rule:

The Nebulas mainnet addresses that meet the following conditions have the right to vote on the community reserve proposals:

Voting location:

Voting time:

September 29, 2019 15:00 — September 30, 15:00 (Beijing time, UTC+8)

Voting process:

a) Visit

b) Select the proposal you want to vote and click the “NAX on-chain vote” button.

c) Confirm the voting proposal again, use the NAS nano pro to scan the code and vote;

d) Open NAS nano pro, click on the send scan the code and select the wallet address that meets the voting rules to vote;

e)After entering the password, click “Confirm”, the voting will be successful after the transaction is completed;


1. The number of NAXs to be sent will not be displayed in the NAS nano pro. Please be sure to select the wallet address that meets the voting rules when transferring.

2. Each wallet address that meets the voting rules can only be voted once. If the transfer is successful, the vote is successful. Do not repeat the vote.



Nebulasio / Nebulas is a next generation public blockchain, aiming for a continuously improving ecosystem.