The new version of Go Nebulas is live & launch of a new campaign!

Published in
3 min readAug 7, 2019

Since the launch of the Go Nebulas community collaboration platform, community members have participated in collaborating about Nebulas through numerous forums. From proposing projects, executing projects or making suggestions and opinions on current projects, all community on Go Nebulas have contributed to the success of Nebulas.

In order to increase community participation and to improve the Nebulas community together, Go Nebulas Version 1.0 has been officially launched today with the following features:

1. Community members can directly create proposals which are of benefit to the Nebulas ecosystem. They only need to describe a problem and make suggestions on how to improve it without being required to further participate in the project. Other fellow community members or Nebulas team members can claim and operate the project professionally.

Proposal page

2. Added a weekly email subscription feature with Go Nebulas project progress and recommended items. To register for emails, visit

3. Published Go Nebulas help documentation and project implementation specifications. To view the documentation, visit:

In addition, a official Weibo and Twitter account will be launched for Go Nebulas soon. They will share the latest daily projects and recommendations for everyone. We hope this will help more community partners find a project that they can participate in.

Participate & Receive Rewards

To help get things going, all Go Nebulas proposals from now until August 20th will be participants of the in the “New Go Nebulas Online — You submit a proposal and we will help with it” campaign where community members have the chance to receive NAS rewards just for participating.

Details of the event

  • Time: from now until August 20, 2019
  • Rules: The members of the Nebulas community can share constructive proposals that will benefit the Nebulas ecosystem via the Go Nebulas proposal page. The proposal needs to be reasonable, legal, in alignment with the vision of the Nebulas Autonomous Metanet and operational within the Nebulas ecosystem once complete. Other community members can like and comment on the proposal; at the completion of the event, Nebulas will reward proposals based on the content of the proposal and the interaction between community members for the proposal.


  • Best Proposal Award (1 person): 50 NAS
    Selection criteria: The content of the proposal is the most complete, in line with the current ecosystem development path of Nebulas and can be established.
  • Most popular proposal awards(1 person): 25 NAS
    Selection criteria: the highest number of comments and the number of likes
  • Excellent Contribution Award (3 person): 5 NAS
    Selection criteria: the number of comments and the total number of praises ranked second, third and fourth

Note: Participants cannot receive more than one award.

Reward distribution

After the event is completed, the reward will be issued within 1 week.

Recommended proposal topic

  1. Go Nebulas feature suggestions.
  2. Product & tool recommendations, such as official wallets, browser plugins, etc…
  3. Community development proposals including online community operations and offline activities.
  4. Nebulas development direction recommendations including technology, application, community development.

To Get started, visit and share your proposal with the community today!

For Go Nebulas help documentation, visit or submit a question on the community forum at

Learn more about Nebulas:

Official website:
Smart asset platform nextDAO:
New Telegram(EN):
Community Forum:
Instagram: nebulasio
Facebook: @nebulasproject
Twitter: @nebulasio



Nebulasio / Nebulas is a next generation public blockchain, aiming for a continuously improving ecosystem.