🍹「古巴自由」雞尾酒 藏著「教父」最黑暗的祕密,透明可樂 辦不到
The Darkest Secret of Michael Corleone in Cuba Libre Cocktail that Transparent cola couldn’t deliver

Kyle Chu 微風捕手
🥃 Drink
Published in
3 min readSep 2, 2018


When the transparent cola appeared in the supermarket of Taiwan, I was interested in using this Coke to make “Cuba Libre” cocktail, but how to adjust it, the taste is not all right.


The motivation for me to learn how to make the “Cuba Libre” cocktail is derived from the movie “The Godfather II”.


Michael Corleone should be a person with deep minds, less love to drink, and always awake.


After then I was watching the movie “The Godfather II”, why bother to learn to make “Cuba Libre”, instead of “Banana Daiquiri”?


When Michael Corleone talked to the enemy Hyman Roth, he never drinks. When he met his brother Fredo in Cuba, Fredo drank a “Banana Daiquiri” cocktail, while Michael drank only the club soda.



One movie channel replayed the movie “The Godfather II”, and the answer in the memory finally reappeared: Michael always knew that the brother Fredo was a traitor.

He asked him several times before he knew the enemy Hyman Roth and the middleman Johnny Ola.

And Fredo said that he did not know these people.


Later, Fredo took Michael and business friends to watch a “Superman” sex show in Havana.

Fredo slipped his mouth to tell everyone that he had been invited by Johnny Ola to this Havana sex performance theater.

At that moment, Fredo propose a toast to “Superman(with super dick)” with “Cuba Libre” cocktail.



Finally, Michael confirmed that his brother Fredo was a traitor.

At this moment, Michael could only gently stir up the “Cuba Libre” cocktail at hand to cover up his emotions.


After the scene, Michael finished drinking the “Cuba Libre”.

The next scene, he grabbed Fredo’s head in the Cuban presidential palace and said the famous line:

「我知道是你!佛羅多!你傷透我的心!你傷透我的心!」“ I know it was you, Fredo. You broke my heart. You broke my heart!”



As Michael confirmed that his brother was a traitor, the taste in his mouth was “Cuba Libre” and there was no more dark cocktail than this.


“Cuba Libre” cocktails, you can’t make it with zero-coke or transparent cola, or else it’s not dark enough:

(蘭姆酒:黃檸檬汁:可口可樂比例是2:5:4)2oz (60ml) of light rum
.5oz (15ml) of fresh lime juice
4oz (120ml) of cola
Add all ingredients to a collins glass with ice
Stir to mix all ingredients


