🍹🍷 披花瓣的桑格利亞酒,台灣 好市多 Don Simon Sangria Premium in the Bottle decorated with petal pattern

Kyle Chu 微風捕手
🥃 Drink
Published in
4 min readSep 8, 2019


White wine, sparkling wine, grapefruit wine, beer, all these wine can fit your delight Summer foods.

But the truth is that the most versatile food on the wine rack of Costco Taiwan is no more than Sangria.


Then why do you rarely buy Sangria?

第一、總覺得桑格利亞水果酒8.5%的酒精度很尷尬,介於啤酒與葡萄酒間,清涼酸甜討喜,很容易喝多,卻比啤酒容易醉。First, always feel Sangria wine 8.5% of alcohol is very awkward, interposed between beer and wine, a refreshing sweet and sour appealing, it is easy to drink, beer easily than drunk.
第二、桑格利亞水果酒,好像是自己可以學村上春樹調製的酒,為什麼要花錢買?Second, Sangria fruit wine, it seems that you can learn the wine prepared by Haruki Murakami, why pay for it?


The truth is: I rarely want to use the wine priced more than NT.400 to make the Sangria.

And if the wine was good enough, it could be drunk up before to make the Sangria.


Don Simon Sangria packed as the cheap ketchup in the Spanish supermarket. But they put a beautiful petal pattern on the bottle of Don Simon Sangria Premium in Costco Taiwan.






Taiwanese fruits are delicious and varied. Put Sangria in the pot, add Puli passion fruit, and even Madou pomelo, add flavor.

Before the Autumn Festival barbecue, don’t forget to serve Sangria very cold. It’s the key to keep your guests happy.



Kyle Chu 微風捕手
🥃 Drink

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