用🛒好市多🍷葡萄酒 學 📖 村上春樹 加氣泡水喝 附 影片

Kyle Chu 微風捕手
🥃 Drink
Published in
9 min readJun 10, 2018



I asked several female friends who love to cook about Haruki Murakami.

And all of them thought that Haruki Murakami is the kind of guy prefer to make his own sandwiches at home, do not want to go out to eat in front of people.


跟他喜愛的作家約翰厄文(John Irving)是同類人,基本上,除了透過寫作來換取生活所需外,不會積極投入社會交際應酬。

Haruki Murakami is obsessed with solitude, light diet, jogging & listening to jazz music. He is the same kind of person as his favorite author John Irving. Basically, he does not actively devote himself to socializing and socializing other than writing to earn his living.


But, readers like me would love to find out the exceptions in Haruki Murakami’s works.


The exception is wines. In the Japanese publishing circles, the wine drinking culture is almost the same as the necessary “communicative element.”


So, how alienated Haruki Murakami began to like to drink wine?


In “Murakami Asahi counterattack,” he used a softly mocking tone: “The wine has started to drink more recently … I did not like it so much, but I was invited by my friends several times to go to the Yamanashi line of vineyards, and I gradually liked It’s up. “


Typical “Haruki Murakami style” answer, even started to like to drink wine reason is “light.”



Then he told us a “Haruki Murakami style” way to enjoy wine: “I drank the wine is not so particular about style, but buy the cheapest wine to California, adding Perrier water, then squeezed some lemon juice. It’s an easy way to enjoy wine for me.”


The “Haruki Murakami” style of wine drinking, after the actual test, is … refreshing drink!

用超市買的普通檸檬,加氣泡水,一比一調配法,混合「超市花瓶版」,也就是村上所謂「最便宜的加州葡萄酒」,加氣泡水,或酌量降低比例加檸檬汽水(檸檬汽水多半過甜,建議每350ml加新鮮檸檬半顆),千萬不要用低卡版汽水調製(代糖破壞味道),才有清爽效果。Use lemon, bubble water, 1: 1 blending method, mix “supermarket vase version”, which is the so-called “cheapest California wine” in the supermarket, add sparkling water, or reduce the proportion of lemonade with a reasonable proportion, do not use the low card version Soda modulation (on behalf of the destruction of sugar taste), have a refreshing effect.


Haruki Murakami created in “The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle part II” mustard tomato cheese sandwich, that is a great summer match with “Haruki Murakami” style of wine.



Haruki Murakami favorite food is common characteristics: light.

Prepared sweet and sour, the general supermarket to sell beef and tomato, Cheddar cheese, mustard. Before roasting an ordinary toast, add a little olive oil to the bottom of the toast to add the flavor of the sandwich, so that the combination of egg yolk and milk is tasty.


The “Murakami sandwich” together with the lemon juice with sparkling water to dilute the large glass “Murakami wine”, is a healthy and pleasant “Haruki Murakami” light summer wine food set.


《村上朝日堂反擊》/ 作者:村上春樹 /插畫:安西水丸 /譯者:賴明珠 /

出版社:時報 /出版日期:2007 年 11 月/


《村上Recipe》/ 編:村上春樹廚房閱讀同好會 /譯者:柏木小雪 /

出版社:時報 /出版日期:2001 年 10 月/

(個人意見:書中人物老鼠的「可樂煎餅」部份建議直接撕去,味道驚悚可怕。) 文 / 朱中愷 (2018更新版)


