🍶箱根路 濁酒,半涉濁流半席清 “Hakone Road” , Cloudy Sake for Two

Kyle Chu 微風捕手
🥃 Drink
Published in
2 min readApr 15, 2018


In the spring of 2018, Japan came late and was in a hurry. Therefore, when visiting Japan in spring, we paid special attention to the CLOUDY SAKE that was originally limited to the winter season. As a result, we discovered a NIGORI SAKE called “Hakone Road” at a convenience store.



It is placed on the Hakone convenience store rack and is priced at 267 yen, including tax, as a small bottle of wine for tourists.

The wine label indicates that it was produced from a joint sake winery.


However, this CLOUDY SAKE taste, slightly sweet, warm, with a strength of micro finish, after bathing, as the late-night drink before going to bed, really not bad.

清酒專業網站說:「酒粕所含蛋白質是『抗性蛋白』,與一般蛋白質功能不同。這種蛋白難以被消化,並且它會在小腸內吸收多餘的脂肪與膽固醇並隨著人體系統排出體外。」Some sake websites said that the cloudy sake could help you get rid of your fat.


However, in addition to the fact that the cloudy sake can enhance digestion during excursions, I recommend you to enjoy the aroma of rice by drinking it.



Kyle Chu 微風捕手
🥃 Drink

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