Kyle Chu 微風捕手
🥃 Drink
Published in
2 min readSep 17, 2017


自飲做菜兩相宜,黑松白鹿生貯藏酒 Cook or Drink ? 500ml Hakushika Sake in PX mart,Taiwan


The most important tip to select a wine matching Japanese foods is not too strong to decrease the flavor of ingredients.



Japanese dishes tasted more lighter than Taiwanese,Korean or Chinese dishes. It seems to me that there’re only beers and sake could complete the mission to match Japanese foods.

And the sake is convenient for lazy guys like me that sometimes I was so lazy to figure out the flavor of malt or hops aromas of beers before dinner. And the sake is always the safety choice.


There’re two kinds of the sake in PX mart of Taiwan that I choose the cheaper one often.


The cheaper one is definitely not the better one.


The best table wine is the one you could cook with it then drink it and you wouldn’t feel sorry for cooking with it.

If you like a bottle of sake so much, you should drink it all but not to use it for cooking.


You should keep the cheaper Hakushika Sake in refrigerator as it could go bad as temperature went high.



Kyle Chu 微風捕手
🥃 Drink

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