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Kyle Chu 微風捕手
Published in
2 min readDec 15, 2018


On social media, often see coffee fans complained about that there’re few lightly roasted coffee beans in Costco.

So I took Kirkland Ethiopia Jimma Region Organic Light Roast Coffee Beans immediately as it showed up.


The Ethiopian coffee-producing area is divided into East and West by the Grand Canyon of East Africa. A lot of coffee fans like to tell that Western coffee beans are good but Eastern Coffee beans are graceful.

But I thought that’s overwhelming of famous Yirgacheffe coffee beans.


Like the wine grapes, coffee beans will absorb the climate and essence of the place of origin.

In fact, it should not be distinguished by graceful or not. If you brew properly, you can taste the local flavor and drink coffee like a virtual trip to everywhere.


Kirkland Ethiopia Jimma Region Organic Light Roast Coffee Beans was packed as a big pack of 907g.

And it should be judged as the big pack from the supermarket but not the small pack of expensive coffee beans.


Compared with other coffee beans that are packed in Costco at the same time, this pack of coffee beans has been selected in good hands.

And there are almost no broken beans or odd-shaped beans.


These coffee beans from Jimma region tasted with a banana flavor and a dark chocolate aroma. It’s totally different from the fruity aroma of Yirgacheffe coffee beans.


I couldn’t find any “Grade G1 — G3” level tag on this bag of coffee beans. I considered it’s a kind of Plantation coffee beans.


As a single-serve coffee for breakfast, it is matched with less sweet foods, and the aftertaste is not bad which kept a kind of cocoa aroma.

