☕️🍺 UCC BLACK 咖啡麥酒,啤酒 助攻 黑咖啡 UCC BLACK Coffee Beer (小七)

Kyle Chu 微風捕手
🥃 Drink
Published in
2 min readNov 3, 2019

便利商店裡,UCC Black 無糖罐裝黑咖啡,贏得不少愛喝無糖咖啡的咖啡迷青睞,2019年是這款小罐無糖黑咖啡問世25週年,他們與京都的黃櫻酒造合作了令人期待的UCC BLACK 咖啡麥酒。

UCC Black sugar-free canned black coffee won a lot of coffee fans who love to drink sugar-free coffee, 2019 is the 25th anniversary of the birth of this small jar of sugar-free black coffee, they cooperated with Kyoto’s Kizakura winery to brew UCC BLACK coffee beer.

不過,UCC Black 無糖罐裝黑咖啡常給人烘培非常深、咖啡焦味非常銳利的感覺,這樣的啤酒釀造材料,不免讓人擔心如果釀成啤酒,是否咖啡焦味會有蓋味的問題。

However, UCC Black sugar-free canned black coffee often gives a very deep roasting and a very sharp coffee flavor. This kind of beer brewing material can’t help but worry if the beer will taste if it is brewed.

入口後,證明擔心是多餘的,雖然深烘培的黑咖啡味非常明顯,但淡淡的麥味甜香,加上啤酒的氣泡,反而緩和了UCC Black 無糖罐裝黑咖啡的焦味,餘韻非常好,齒齦間留下的是啤酒花的香味。

After the tasting to prove that worry is unnecessary, although the deep roasted black coffee flavor is very obvious, but a touch of sweet incense wheat, plus beer bubbles, but rather to ease the UCC Black sugar-free canned black coffee burnt smell, finish Very good, the scent of hops left between the gums.

產品名為「UCC BLACK 咖啡麥酒」,事實上更像啤酒幫忙圓潤了UCC Black 無糖罐裝黑咖啡的口感,與其說是咖啡幫啤酒添味,不如說是啤酒巧妙助攻了焦味明顯的黑咖啡。

Products called “UCC BLACK coffee beer”, in fact, more like a beer to help round the UCC Black sugar-free canned black coffee taste, coffee is not so much to help add flavor beer, beer ingenious as it is obvious assists burnt black coffee.



This beer has a super-coffee character, it does not fit with meals, but very suitable to drink alone, especially drinking at tea time.



Kyle Chu 微風捕手
🥃 Drink

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