HighBall🍹調酒最佳 日本 🥃 威士忌 Nikka from the Barrel whisky the best Japanese Whiskey to make Highball

Kyle Chu 微風捕手
🥃 Drink
Published in
2 min readJun 24, 2021


Many whisky drinkers are attracted to the products associated with Masataka Taketsuru, the father of Japanese whisky, but after the praise of the Whisky Bible and other reviews, Japanese whisky, which is both highly regarded and affordable, is becoming rare.

熱天最需要的,就是能當HighBall調酒基酒的威士忌,還要同時滿足高評價與親民價格兩個條件,在日本威士忌裡,非Nikka from the Barrel whisky威士忌莫屬。

What you need on a hot day is a whisky that can serve as the base for a HighBall, but a Japanese whisky that is both highly rated and affordable is Nikka from the Barrel whisky.

Nikka from the Barrel是把超過一百種不同批次酒桶的麥芽威士忌跟穀物威士忌調和後,重新放回酒桶陳釀,完成陳釀程序後,不過濾,直接把酒從酒桶取出裝瓶,稱為「From the Barrel」。

Nikka From The Barrel is a blended whisky which was released in 1985. The complex formula is created by blending more than 100 different batches of malt and grain whiskies. And the secret behind its gorgeous flavor is the unique combination of complex blending, higher ABV 51.4% and “marriage” process.

Nikka from the Barrel 聞起來,




Nikka from the Barrel whisky smells of honey, peaches, and oranges, with the first sip on its pure form being a mix of caramel, honey and oak, before the finish returns to a deep orange note.

為何說Nikka from the Barrel 威士忌是做HighBall的最佳日本威士忌?


Why is Nikka from the Barrel whisky the best Japanese whisky for highball? The ratio of water to whisky in a Japanese HighBall is 3:1, and it needs to retain a “lingering” whisky flavor after it has been watered down.

Nikka from the Barrel 威士忌的酒精度高達51.4%,


Nikka from the Barrel whisky has a whisky ABV of 51.4% and retains the right intensity of aroma and flavor even when water, ice, and soda made it lighter.


Nikka from the Barrel屬中低價位。

Moreover, Nikka from the Barrel is priced in the mid to low range of Japanese whisky currently available in Taiwan.

關於Nikka from the Barrel 威士忌,《威士忌聖經》作者吉姆莫瑞說:「我喝這款威士忌很久了,從未有一瓶讓我失望過。」。

“I have been drinking this for a very long time — and still can’t remember a bottle that’s ever let me down.” — Jim Murray.

