
Wellness Campaign

Where responsivism works on an individual level, a wellness campaign addresses problems on a social scale

Steph Turner
Published in
3 min readMay 13, 2024


wellness campaign & responsivism within scope of need-response, within applied anankelogy, within anankelogy

If you didn’t create the problem, then why should you seek therapy to adjust to unacceptable conditions? If the adversarial legal system perpetuates some of these problems, then perhaps it’s time to find a more effective alternative. That’s what a wellness campaign exists to do.

A wellness campaign picks up where responsivism leaves off. Sometimes you can’t solve a problem on your own. Sometimes it requires a campaign of encouraging supporters and resources to compel greater responsiveness to all the needs involved.

For addressing power relations

The wellness campaign is specifically designed to address problems from power relations. We define a power relation where one impacts the relation more than impacted by it, while the other gets impacted by the relation more than impacts it. We trust wellness improves by improving how each other relates to each other’s needs.

The powerholder is identified as the AI: Ascribed Impactor first, and then the Acknowledged Impactor once they participate. The AI impacts the power relation more than impacted by it.

The relatively powerless is the RI: Reporting Impactee first, and then the Recognized Impactee after confirmation. The RI gets impacted by the power relation more than impacting it.

power imbalance between Ascribed Impactor and Reporting Impactee

Each campaign unfolds in four to five phases. Each building upon the foundation of the previous phase. To get started, you test the waters with a wellness warmup exercise. It orients you and others to this fresh approach to problem-solving.

Wellness warmup

You first check the criteria to see if a wellness campaign can be a good fit for you. Then you start reaching out to your contacts to orient yourself and them to this refreshing need-responsive approach to our stubborn problems.

5 phases to a wellness campaign: BASE, ALLY, TEAM, GROW, GOAL

BASE phase

You lay a solid foundation with your professional need-responder. That someone coordinates the campaign for you. Something like a counselor, but focused on relation dynamics instead of biopsychological processes. More as an advocate for your inflexible needs, and not adversarial like an attorney.

ALLY phase

This one is optional. You name someone who serves as your chief ally. You may have to assign them to serve in your place, in case you are not able to guide the campaign yourself. This applies specifically for campaigns for the wrongly convicted innocent. But remains available for other situations.

TEAM phase

You attract followers to your campaign on social media. You establish an emerging team for peer support. You identify supporters who make a difference in your chances for success. You test the waters for speaking truth to power by being more responsive to each other’s needs.

GROW phase

You start speaking truth to those with some power, to give you practice and build your confidence. You learn what best incentives those who can help you solve problems we all face. You put your campaign on the map, sparking broader interest in the nobility of your cause.

GOAL phase

You finally contact and address those in positions of power with the most impact on your needs. You apply all you have learned thus far to incentivize them to improve their responsiveness to your affected needs. You affirm their legitimacy as they measurably help your life improve.

There currently exists three types of wellness campaigns.

1. Case campaign. You simply aim to solve your own problem others may have too.

2. Project campaign. You seek to solve your problem along with others similarly situated.

3. Movement campaign. You work with a coalition of project campaigns to solve problems at the structural level of society.




Steph Turner

Founder of anankelogy, the study of need. World’s first ‘need-responder’. Transspirit (spiritually compelled to transcend divisive categories to resolve needs)