Deploying for Dorian

Published in
1 min readAug 31, 2019

Update: September 12. NeedsList is partnering with USAID do match needs and offers of supplies and services in The Bahamas, you can learn more at our Bahamas landing page.

Meanwhile, in North Carolina, the State is using our tolls to coordinate aid. If you are local and want to donate in kind, please visit our North Carolina NeedsList.

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Hurricane Dorian is heading to the mainland US this weekend, and NeedsList is on the ready. Want to get engaged?

If you work with a local community organization, and want to register with NeedsList and list needs now:

Sign up now and get started immediately. We’ll follow up with additional information.

If you are working with a business and want to offer supplies or other aid:

Sign up for a free business membership and we’ll get you started making offers.

We’ll be updating our public lists throughout the week. Stay safe and stay in touch.

For anyone looking to help:

Check out our updated list of needs. These are just a few — please contact us for access to full database.




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