What Leadership in Crisis Demands Now

Published in
2 min readMar 25, 2021
Photo by Steve Harvey on Unsplash

We started NeedsList in 2016 because we knew there had to be a more efficient way to help local organizations get the funding and supplies they needed to support their communities.

However, we know our software products are a small part of what is needed to create more resilient, prepared communities. So we’re formally expanding our offerings to include innovation advisory services based on our core values of collaboration, local knowledge, responsible technology, and aid with dignity. Our team uses a unique design strategy to help you discover, prototype, and implement solutions for crisis response, humanitarian action, and disaster risk reduction.

We’ve seen how challenging it can be for organizations — whether government, nonprofit or business — to step outside of their comfort zones to think and act differently when it comes to crisis. There are so many moving parts — funding to be secured, partnerships to be brokered, personalities to be managed.

We believe that if this year has taught us anything, it’s that we need to write a different story of crisis response. We need adaptive leaders, agile response, predictive modelling, and cooperation that focuses on the vulnerable communities — BIPOC, disabled people, poor people, and the elderly — who will suffer the most.

We believe it will take forward-thinking leaders and a multi-sector response to change our broken systems. Here’s how we can support these efforts through our advisory services:

  • Rapid prototyping for humanitarian innovation: Quickly develop, learn, and test ways for your company or organization to support humanitarian action.
  • Inclusive and Equitable Design Services for Vulnerable Populations Looking for best ways your organization can support vulnerable communities at home and abroad? Our inclusive methodology makes sure that the voices of affected communities are at the table from planning to implementation.
  • Cross-sector Disaster risk, from foresight to design: preparing leaders to think and act adaptively in the face of known and unknown threats with a multi-sector lens.
  • Technical Assistance for emerging social innovators: We offer intro level and deep dives for topics ranging from product development, storytelling and pitching, impact modelling, business development with a feminist lens, fundraising, and more.

Want to engage with us? Know somebody who should? Let us know (and give this piece a clap!)




We’re designing new ways to meet the growing needs of displaced people worldwide. Get involved! #withrefugees #tech4good #socialinnovation #Humanitarians