NeeToken of NEETCOIN Project
2 min readAug 13, 2018

NEETCOIN Aug. *English digest in under Japanese part of page.










English digest;

In Japan, Everyday is a hot weather and I’m often hearing the Air temperature exceeds 40 and the humidity exceeds 70%. At a hard summer, It is painful to do something, a motivation also goes down. But, This August has a one milestone.

There are two major changes to occur in August.

(1)Corporate planning is formed. the Member act starts step by step.
(2)Re-form the part of website.

For (1)’s process is the important, and I get the power of many member now on. In other word, Until now it is like one person. So, It’s the huge change. And we will call in proponents member. As said in past, it may include a part of creative elements.

About the Estonia corporation

The other day ago, I joined to Estonia event, could get a lot information for that. I’m feeling that need a bit time for initial process. It would be waiting a bit for that. But, as result by that event info, I understood the Estonia government’s idea for about Crypto, That’s, the our plan can take a goal in the future.


Now market take a cold, I feel that need thinking to current crypto market. The Market is look like a Neet. It continues to that condition for long time, with I see there is sad people by this cold.
But, the vision can see the warm as spring future, I think so. Because, About rapid inflation often will result in this by the nature. As this, even the hot thing get to cool down rapidly, to that case, the people mind go away as well like cracking. It’s providence. The important thing is always your mind take calming, and you make sure look everything.

