NeeToken of NEETCOIN Project
6 min readMay 5, 2020


NEETCOIN service is continue, but Server Center limited maintenance staff access due to Covid19. No problem and No worries. And Twitter account also.-NEETCOINサービスは継続していますが、コロナウィルスの影響でサーバーセンターへの立ち入りが制限されており解消できずにいます。さらにTwitterアカウントまで。


Dear NEETCOIN user.

Currently, We have active and no problem coin hash though, our web-server has stack from around last week. This stopping is web and DNS only. Coind has not a bad effective also no problem as usual.
So, users and everyone get calm down please early.

In bad condition, attached service will get damage even if Coin has no problem. So we should repair web-server. That is we well know that should soon fix server for need to who can not read this announcement.

With we gone to server center for that, but can not easy entry to server floor. Because Japan has problem due to Covid-19 so people access limited and not anywhere. Server center is closed space also not often exchange air space. There are risks if in Covid-19 into that limited space. For that, they do limited entry.

Already we submit apply for a entry. So we will get that accepting soon maybe. However, that day is no tomorrow and no 2 days after. We mean, we guess this day is near day though after a few days.

Also, about Twitter account. Our Twitter account has frozen. We don’t know that reason though, maybe get by jamming account. So by bad anyone. Of course that is a guess box. However, We did not bad action in Twitter also had no go out from user rule. So We can know that reason was by anyone.

As you know that, Twitter frozen unlock is not easy. Already we submit it, we don’t know what unlock to someday.

The main point in this article, the important story, that is Twitter and We stopped at same timing. So far, we have not got this experience. So the announcement has delay. Sorry to late although we should public such announcement soon.

Please a waiting with calm down for solves. And, Thanks for your kindness support always even if bad condition. We plan that go fix as soon as possible.


— 日本語








まずは解決に向け、落ち着いてお待ちいただければと思います。また、悪い状況でも、いつもご親切にありがとうございます。 できるだけ早く修正する予定です。


