We opened the Japan Corporation web page. — 日本法人ウェブページをオープン

NeeToken of NEETCOIN Project
6 min readJun 14, 2019


We were continue to setup webpage though, we are think that everyone were waiting for next new announces. Thank you for patience a long time. We’ll happy that coming this day and announced. We were set up the Japan Corporation web page. And it in Japanese though, sorry one to overseas users.

This page has simple feels though, that reason is this corporation is like a government organization.
As Japan, Always the NPO has a manifest, and keep act around on real society. No there is dress up add on in there.
Although, even if it OK at now, If one get feels sad when anyone look that web page, we need to change it. Either way, we are start now on works. the important is the start on web of the corporation.

In a idea on there, we need some fund and incentive for help to NEET. We are NPO, so we think that will collect it from people who want to contribute to society.

The other day, I made a small donation as private for poor children abroad. It is well-meaning, however it also senses social needs. It’s the meaning as same.

We will divide the collected money into several dept then use it for correct way. To enable NEET to return to society, Development of mentalism of NEET, Service for improving skills of NEET, And it is the life support of NEET.

Also, if it due to the surplus in there, we will be buy back NEETcoin and will remove that NEETcoin for worldwide NEET. For compliance, it is conducted via Estonia org and will not be used by a Japan corporation.
The depending on the situation we will be done on the secret for that process. But that’s blockchain, so it will leave on Explorer by blockchain.

Let us know on Discord chat if you have a questions.


— 日本語





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