$2.5M Lost in Atlantis Loan Crypto Hack — An Avoidable Tragedy

NEFTURE SECURITY I Blockchain Security
Dissecting Web3
Published in
2 min readJun 23, 2023

$2.5M were lost to the Atlantis Loan attack last week.

If the victims had used our Wallet Alerts app, they could have avoided seeing their funds being siphoned away!

Here’s how.

Abandoned by its makers in April 2023, Atlantis Loans was a lending protocol on BSC.

The attacker through a governance attack set themselves as the admin of the token’s proxy contract, which allowed them ultimately to implement malicious features and be able to transfer tokens from users who still had active smart contract approvals with Atlantis Loan, to their own wallet!

The key take here is that the hacker was able to make so much damage due to one Achille heel: APPROVALS!

Approvals are a silent threat to your crypto wallet security.


Because when you approve a smart contract or app, you give it permission to access your tokens, collect data, and perform actions on your behalf.

That’s why we developed a tool to safeguards you from the risks associated with Approvals: Wallet Alerts!

With Wallet Alerts, victims would have been notified through our free security audit and live alert system that their wallet was put at risk by an obsolete (in nature) smart contract.

Because it subjected them to undue risks, like here a governance hack, and would have invited them to revoke it asap.

So if you wish to check if your wallet is secure and dodge this kind of bullets, don’t wait !

You just have to type in your wallet address at alerts.nefture.com and you will receive a free security audit as well as live approvals alert and a monthly security report!

Take control of your wallet security now!

About us

Nefture is a Blockchain Security Company that secures crypto transactions!

With Wallet Alerts, you can get your Wallet security audit for free. Plus, enjoy the added peace of mind that comes with immediate alerts on new wallet approvals, as well as a monthly security report!

Check if your wallet is compromised now ⚡https://www.nefture.com/

