Giving always 110%

Hugo Cornejo
Published in
1 min readSep 11, 2017

Do you know that feeling when you fully charge your phone and then, even after using it for a while it stills says 100%? It’s great, isn’t it? Where is that endless power coming from? It makes you wonder why don’t they build the full battery with the same quality materials they used for that last 1% that goes from 100% to 99%.

A similar thing happens after filling up your car at the petrol station. Yeah, you might think that paying £562 for the smallest can of Pringles the world has ever seen and a pint of expired milk was a bit too much. However, the joke is on them because you just got yourself some magic petrol. Now you can drive half an hour completely for free; the fuel gauge won’t move from the very top. What’s powering the car? Magic petrol I tell you!

Kidding aside, even knowing what’s behind these two examples there’s something really cool when gauges don’t decrease linearly. It feels like a small victory, cheating the system one percent at a time.



Hugo Cornejo

VP of Design @monzo You should follow me @hugocornejo