See YIMBY art at!


It’s! If you’re there, you have a chance to see some of our art, and maybe hear some inside details about us, as well as even more YIMBY art by Myra Lara, in a talk entitled “From Zines to Memes”, Friday afternoon.

Regretfully, neither of us could make it, but when we heard there was an election to choose a YIMBY mascot, we decided it’d be as good a time as any to shill for someone. We endorse the beaver. National Parks has Smokey the Bear, protecting the environment from fires, the as-yet unnamed beaver should be there to protect the environment from sprawl and undensity. Here is our candidate, featured in a classic poster from the Department of Neighborhood Interiors. Support Beaver, for YIMBY mascot 2017!



Neighbors for More Neighbors
Neighbors for More Neighbors

Supporting more housing through art, action, and stuff. Talk to your friends about zoning!