Ward 5 — Jamie Hendricks

Candidate Questionnaire — Ward 5 — Jamie Hendricks

Ward 5 contains the neighborhoods of Como, North End, Payne-Phalen and Railroad Island. It is currently represented by Councilmember and City Council President Amy Brendmoen. There are four candidates running: Councilmember Amy Brendmoen, Bob Blake, Jamie Hendricks, and Suyapa Miranda. We have received responses from Amy Brendmoen and Suyapa Miranda.

1. How do you plan to increase housing affordability in St. Paul?

We must explore several options since individuals and families have different needs. One option I feel could be very beneficial to our city is accessory dwellings. Such an approach could work well if we were to offer owner incentives such as tax breaks. Across this country we are seeing very successful tiny home communities for veterans who otherwise would be homeless. We have several buildings across this city that sit empty and have for a long time when they could be remodeled and used as housing. Co-op’s are another way to bring affordability to our communities due to tax breaks to properties and community involvement within those properties. All of these are ways to both bring costs down and build community relationships.

2. What do you see as the main cause for the shortage of affordable housing in St. Paul?

High costs and not enough different types of dwellings.

3. How can the city eliminate homelessness?

By offering varying types of housing, meeting people where they are at in the process of homelessness, understanding each individual/ families needs (which can vary greatly), and having professionals in place that can assist and walk folks through the process. Many current systems can be difficult to navigate. This has to be an ongoing process also to help people stay in place once they have reached the goal of being housed.

4. Do you support changing the city’s zoning to allow quadplexes everywhere in the city? If not, please explain why.


5. Do you support eliminating minimum parking requirements? If not, please explain why.

This question is not real clear as to specifics.

6. Do you support funding the city’s 4(d) affordable housing program? If not, how will you preserve at-risk Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing (NOAH)?





Neighbors for More Neighbors
Neighbors for More Neighbors

Supporting more housing through art, action, and stuff. Talk to your friends about zoning!