Remember Mary

Neil Bennetts
Neil Bennetts
Published in
2 min readJul 3, 2017

Remember Mary (John 12:3) when you think that somehow your failings, brokenness or shame preclude you from the presence of Jesus (Luke 7:37). It is not what you do that makes this possible — it is what He has done that makes this possible. You can’t “achieve” your way into His presence, only “receive” your way into His presence. Worship starts with the assurance of an embrace from the King.

Remember Mary when worshipping Jesus feels costly — Mary poured out everything she owned — the entire family fortune — in one extravagant act of worship (Luke 7:38). She surrendered her worldly inheritance but she gained His eternal inheritance.

Remember Mary when you feel vulnerability as a worshipper — people may question you, but to Jesus it is a beautiful, fragrant thing (Matt 26:10) that fills and changes the atmosphere.

Remember Mary when you want to create the perfect, tidy worship experience. Tears and messy hair and dusty feet are the things of authentic worship Jesus-style (Luke 7:38).

Remember Mary when you are tempted to think that worship is just the songs you sing on a Sunday. This intimate act of worship (Gk Proskyneo) transformed the whole of her life. Forever.

Remember Mary when you are afraid of worship (Gk Proskyneo), afraid of risking everything (Matthew 28, MSG). It was in risking everything that Mary found her freedom and her purpose in life (“forgiveness of sins” Luke 7:48).

No wonder that Jesus said “Truly, I say to you, wherever the gospel is proclaimed in the whole world, what she has done will also be told in memory of her.”

Remember Mary.

*I also remember, and reference, Simon Ponsonby speaking on this passage in his talk “The Scent of a Woman”. In many ways, still the inspiration behind what I think and feel about Worship.

