The Daily Scribble — 001
What do you think constitutes great writing or great?
There’s nothing here, just open thoughts — and a great artist.
What do you think constitutes great writing or art?
That’s the question for today. What do you think the true work of art takes?
I want to dedicate this time and the publication to digging into the intricacies of defining and getting to a point of great artwork.
Some have it, and some don’t — and some are just luckily gifted, it’s ridiculous. Fuck them.
To us, the minority few — who are naturally not gifted, we snoop around, like archaeologists digging graves up in the old pyramids, trying and trying to find our origins.
Hence. The schooling. The reading. The digging.
Constantly looking for the treasure, but while we do that. We don’t see the little things on the side, the trees — the birds, everything else.
Quite disturbing isn’t it?
Can we get there, without having to compromise a thing?
I don’t know.