The BEST Shoulder Exercises You’ve Never Even Seen!!!

Nelson Max
Published in
3 min readApr 29, 2024
Photo by Scott Webb

Most individuals involved in weight training recognize standard shoulder routines, including overhead presses, lateral lifts, and anterior raises. Although these motions efficiently activate the deltoid muscles, alternative exercises that similarly test and foster holistic advancement may go unnoticed. Presented below are five exceptional yet rarely performed shoulder activities designed to add variety to your routine and stimulate enhanced muscle development.

Landmine Press

This unique pressing variation targets all aspects of the deltoids while providing additional stability through the core engagement required to perform the movement correctly. Stand facing away from a loaded landmine attachment or anchor a barbell securely in a corner using a towel. Hold one end of the barbell at chest level, then press vertically until arm extension is reached before lowering back down with control. Perform equal reps on each side.

Cuban Press

The Cuban press, popularized by renowned strength coach Mike Boyle, combines external rotation and scaption to effectively target the rear delts. Begin with light dumbbells at your sides, arms fully extended and elbows locked. Keeping elbows tight to the torso, elevate hands and spin externally until thumbs point forward at eye level. From here, move your hands straight up above your head, pausing briefly before reversing direction and returning to the beginning position. Maintain consistent tension throughout the range of action.

YTWL Raises

YTWL raises involve performing sequential series of uppercase ‘Y,’ ‘T,’ ‘W,’ and ‘L’ shapes with arms raised against gravity, isolating various parts of the deltoids. Begin standing tall with a slight bend in elbows and holding lightweight dumbbells. First, raise arms directly outward at shoulder height forming a ‘Y.’ Next, elevate your arms to create a horizontal line across your body (‘T’). Then, bend your elbows 90 degrees and lift your thumbs pointing behind you, creating an ‘L’ shape. Lastly, hold wrists parallel to the ground and bend elbows 90 degrees, keeping them at shoulder height as if preparing to do push-ups (‘W’). Complete multiple sets of ten repetitions for each letter.

Scapular Pull-Ups

Scapular pull-ups primarily engage the trapezius and rhomboid muscles responsible for retraction and depression of the scapulae. However, they indirectly impact the shoulder girdle by teaching correct recruitment patterns necessary for heavy lifting. Hang freely from a pull-up bar with a pronated grip slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Without bending elbows, draw shoulder blades together and depress them, raising chin just above bar level. Lower slowly, maintaining control throughout the eccentric phase.

Band Face Pulls

Face pulls utilize rubber resistance bands anchored at waist height to emphasize the posterior deltoids, traps, and rotator cuff musculature. With feet positioned shoulder-width apart, grasp band handles firmly, pulling backward and upward, flaring elbows out wide. Concentrate on squeezing the mid-back region upon reaching full contraction before a controlled return to the initial stance.

Final Thoughts

Incorporating novel exercises into your shoulder routine fosters continuous progression and challenges previously untapped muscle fibers. Implementing these obscure yet potent movements guarantees fresh stimuli for optimal deltoid development, ensuring comprehensive shoulder conditioning. Always warm up properly and gradually introduce new exercises, paying heed to technique and execution to prevent injuries and hasten results. Happy lifting!



Nelson Max

A fitness dynamo and aspiring wordsmith with burning passion for inspiring others to embrace a healthier lifestyle while mastering the art of captivating copy.