You Should Try Supersets! Here’s WHY

Nelson Max
Published in
4 min readOct 2, 2023

Are you looking to revamp your workout routine and achieve better results in less time? If so, then it might be time to give supersets a try. Supersets are a highly effective training technique that can help you maximize your time at the gym and push your fitness goals to new heights. We’ll go ahead and delve into what supersets are, their benefits, and why you should consider incorporating them into your workout regimen.

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What Are Supersets?

A resistance training strategy called a superset involves performing two distinct exercises back-to-back without pausing in between. Compound or agonist supersets are exercises that target the same muscle group, whereas opposing or antagonist supersets are workouts that target distinct muscle groups. Supersets’ main objectives are to intensify your workout, promote muscular growth, and boost your endurance.

Here’s Why You Should Try Supersets

Time Efficiency — One of the most compelling reasons to incorporate supersets into your workout routine is their time efficiency. Traditional weightlifting often involves resting for extended periods between sets, which can make your workouts drag on. With supersets, you minimize rest time, enabling you to complete more work in a shorter amount of time. This time-saving aspect is perfect for individuals with busy schedules who still want to achieve their fitness goals.

Photo by Jordan Benton

Enhanced Muscle Engagement — Supersets push your muscles to work harder as they’re constantly engaged during the back-to-back exercises. This increased muscle engagement can lead to greater muscle fiber recruitment and ultimately better results in terms of strength and hypertrophy. By incorporating supersets into your training, you can break through plateaus and see more significant gains.

Photo by samer daboul

Cardiovascular Benefits — Incorporating opposing muscle group supersets, such as pairing chest exercises with back exercises, can create a cardiovascular-like effect. This means your heart rate remains elevated throughout the workout, promoting fat loss and improving cardiovascular fitness in addition to building muscle. It’s like getting a two-for-one deal in the gym.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

Variety and Avoiding Plateaus — Supersets introduce variety into your workouts, which can help prevent boredom and plateaus. When you perform the same exercises in the same order repeatedly, your body adapts, and progress can stagnate. Supersets inject novelty into your routine by changing the order and combination of exercises, keeping your muscles guessing and ensuring continued progress.

Photo by Victor Freitas

Efficient Fat Burning — Supersets can be an excellent tool for those looking to shed excess body fat. The high-intensity nature of supersets, coupled with the increased heart rate and calorie expenditure, makes them effective for fat burning. They also allow you to maintain muscle mass while cutting, which is crucial for achieving a lean and toned physique.

Photo by Anna Tarazevich

Mental Toughness — Supersets can be mentally challenging, requiring focus and determination to power through. Overcoming this mental challenge can build mental toughness, discipline, and resilience — qualities that extend beyond the gym and into other areas of your life.

Photo by LED Supermarket

Final Thoughts

Supersets are a fantastic addition to your workout routine for a variety of reasons. They save time, increase muscle engagement, provide cardiovascular benefits, introduce variety, aid in fat burning, and foster mental toughness. However, it’s essential to incorporate supersets wisely and progressively to avoid overtraining and injury.

To get started, speak with a fitness expert or trainer like me who can assist in creating a supersets program specific to your fitness objectives and skill level. Supersets can be a useful tool for anyone looking to advance their fitness, from novices to seasoned athletes. Try them out, and you’ll probably be surprised by the outcomes you can get in less time.



Nelson Max

As a dedicated fitness coach, I'm passionate about helping individuals transform their lives through health and wellness