NEM Election Results 2018

The Foundation is pleased to announce the results of the NEM Elections 2018 with a newly elected members of the Executive Committee and Council.

Below are the official and approved results of the election.

Executive Committee

President: Alexandra Tinsman
Vice-President: Nelson Valero
Secretary: Jason Lee
Treasurer: Dona Rinon

Council Members

Hiroki Koga
Jeff McDonald
Anton Bosenko
Pedro Gutierrez
Steve Li

The actual tally of votes can be viewed through these links:

NEM EGM President Voting Poll
NEM EGM Vice President Voting Poll
NEM EGM Secretary Voting Poll
NEM EGM Treasurer Voting Poll
NEM EGM Council Voting Poll Part 1
NEM EGM Council Voting Poll Part 2

NEM’s outgoing Interim President, Kristof Van de Reck, has a message to all members of our community, click here.

President-elect Alexandra Tinsman also has message for the community which you can read here.

Congratulations to all the newly elected members of the Executive Committee and Council, we look forward to what 2019 will bring!

For more information about the NEM Foundation and its mission, you can follow us on Twitter, at Inside NEM, our Facebook page, NEM Australia Telegram or visit our website.

