NEM New Zealand University Takeover | Wellington

On the 4th September 2018, Dalaney Davis, our NEM New Zealand Lead, helped organize and run an in-depth Bootcamp, focused on Blockchain business opportunities with guest speakers, and facilitators from the New Zealand Blockchain ecosystem.

Mark Pascall from the Blockchain Association, started us off with a Blockchain 101 lecture, followed by Dalaney’s NEM Blockchain lecture.

Samantha Ryan spoke about Choice, and how their Social Enterprise is leading the charge in using Tech for Good.

Adiraj from Crypto launchpad, spoke about his favorite use cases from Blockchain and painted a picture of the future of blockchain we can expect.

Nemo from Horizon State spoke of the revolution they are creating with their tech.

After the NEM lecture, Dalaney answered questions from the Q&A and all participating students were offered the Devslopes course for free and sent some XEM tokens to those who downloaded the wallet.

Later that day, Dalaney and Adiraj facilitated a problem discovery workshop to identify blockchain opportunities and conduct ideation sessions for business opportunities.

One group of students discussing blockchain business cases

I was very grateful for being invited to speak at Victoria Unviversity in Wellington and introduce a group of students to Blockchain, in particular NEM and its benefits to business and enterprise. Many had not heard of blockchain, so was a good opportunity to showcase our use case of Horizon State. — Nemo Naamani Horizon State.

Dalaney gave an insightful and lovely lecture. It has been well received and I am assuming that we shall have more than my expectation of students who might join in and be a part of the Blockchain learning program and community. — Emily Sullivan Entrepreneurship Manager at Viclink , Victoria University.

But wait, theres more. Next in the NEM University take over! University of Canterbury! With an in-depth NEM Blockchain evening and XEM talks with Dalaney Davis, our NEM New Zealand Lead.

Kia Kaha
NEM New Zealand Team

For more information about the NEM Foundation and its mission, you can follow us on Twitter, our Facebook page, NEM NZ Telegram or visit our website.



Dalaney from NEM New Zealand
NEM Australia & New Zealand

Discover why NEM is fast becoming the world's top blockchain technology and the NEM blockchain activities enhancing Aotearoa - New Zealand.