NEM Sweeps FinTech Australia Finalist Boards

The finalists for the 2018 Finnie awards have been announced by Fintech Australia! 89 companies and individuals were recently handpicked for Australia’s primary, industry-backed, Fintech awards out of a record breaking 223 entries. All finalists were evaluated by a mix of 81 domestic and international judges. The winner will be announced at the gala awards ceremony in Sydney on the 13th of June 2018.

There are 23 awards in total, ranging in categories from “Growth Mindset and Global Perspective”, to “Excellence in Business”. Amongst those awards there were two Blockchain/Crypto specific categories, BOTH of which had NEM listed as a finalist:

Excellence in Digital Currencies/Wallets/Exchanges

  • CoinJar
  • Finch
  • Living Room of Satoshi
  • NEM Foundation

Excellence in Blockchain/Distributed Ledger

  • AgriDigital
  • Civic Ledger
  • FlashFX
  • NEM Foundation

Outside of the Blockchain/Crypto categories, NEM also found a finalist position in the following awards:

Excellence in Establishing Market Presence: Global

  • Cover Genius
  • Entersoft Security
  • NEM Foundation
  • TRAction Fintech
  • Verrency

Following the announcement of the finalist, we wait with baited breath for the results come June. We, from NEM ANZ would like to congratulate and wish good luck to all the other finalists!

For more information about the NEM Foundation and its mission, you can follow us on Twitter, at Inside NEM, our Facebook page, NEM Australia Telegram or visit our website.

