NEM working with Enspiral Dev Academy to provide Blockchain Education in NZ

NEM have announced that a collaboration has been formed to work with Enspiral Dev Academy, New Zealand’s premiere full immersion web development school, to train technical talent to work with blockchain.

Enspiral Dev Academy is a full time intensive bootcamp for software developers. Alongside training developers, their focus is on expanding New Zealand’s vibrant tech industry. Their fast-paced curriculum focuses on full stack JavaScript with ES5/6/7, Node.js, React, Redux, Express.js, Object-oriented Programming, Functional Programming, Relational databases, HTML5, CSS3, as well as pair programming, agile, unit testing, end-to-end testing and test-driven development. The languages taught are a platform to learn the fundamentals of programming, and by week 8, students begin to teach themselves any language or framework they choose.

The partnership between NEM and Dev Academy is in the form of a ‘Blockchain Partners Programme’:

  1. Developing a short-term blockchain programme for Dev Academy’s existing students and alumni to enrol in.
  2. Provide channels to engage with NEM’s $100 million Community Fund for projects that would like to utilise the NEM platform.
  3. Access to resources and training to up-skill and equip developers in understanding blockchain technology

These engagements will be championed by Dalaney Davis, NEM New Zealand’s leader in growing the NEM ecosystem.

“There is a need to support NEM blockchain companies and Enspiral Dev Academy has had a long history in training people that are passionate about coding. Their existing programme can take someone with very little coding experience to a level in which they can contribute to a commercial software development team and we are hoping this collaboration will add value to the New Zealand ecosystem.” -Dalaney Davis, NEM New Zealand lead.

This comes after the launch of the NEM Blockchain Hub in New Zealand where a dedicated NEM representative will be present to engage with the public and community members to understand the basics of blockchain and cryptocurrency as well as support startups who are interested in adopting blockchain for their businesses. This will be through regular activities, workshops, hackathons and forums held throughout the year.

The NEM Team with Joshua and Rohan from Enspiral Dev Academy

Rohan Wakefield, CEO of Enspiral Dev Academy

“Enspiral Dev Academy aims to make tech the biggest exporter of Aotearoa. We see emerging tech such as blockchain catalysing innovation and enabling our businesses to grow beyond our borders. We are excited to have the support of NEM in the development of blockchain education, and to be producing more local technical talent for our growing innovation sector. Blockchain will be of crucial importance to the future of the tech industry, and we want to see New Zealand at the forefront of utilising the opportunities that blockchain will create.”

“One of the biggest challenges for blockchain as a technology is finding and developing talent. This is a huge step for this region to ensure that innovation can be sustained through access to talent. This will be a joint effort between NEM and Enspiral Dev Academy to provide access to blockchain resources across the spectrum, from entrepreneurs to developers.” -Jason Lee, NEM Expansion Director for Australia and New Zealand

For more information about the NEM Foundation and its mission, you can follow us on Twitter, at Inside NEM, our Facebook page, NEM Australia Telegram or visit our website.

