NEM Blockchain Project: Achievements, Objectives, and XEM token Price

This article first appeared at, a reputable Russian bitcoin & blockchain online news portal on January 3, 2017.

The Getcoin team was able to communicate with three key team members of NEM. Though with only a little time, they managed to ask and get answers to the only the most important questions: achievements, objectives and price forecast for 2017.

Rene Bernard, president of NEM Malaysian Association.

Main achievements for 2016:

  • NanoWallet released, and moving away from the NIS/NCC infrastructure
  • NEM has become a globally recognized platform
  • Creation of commercial projects, applying NEM technology
  • Release of NEM Apostille, the world’s first non-commercial blockchain service for the creation and transfer of digital certificates (notarization)

The main objectives for 2017:

  • Release Catapult for Mijin and NEM
  • Run multiple projects, for example, LuxTag based on Apostille & NEM
  • Implementing Mijin's permissioned NEM chains in the industry and the banking sector

What is the highest price we will see in 2017 for XEM?

I believe that 1 XEM could cost up to US$0.05/XEM.

Jeff McDonald, a professor at Keimyung University (South Korea), a member of the NEM team and the project manager of NEM Apostille .

Main achievements for 2016:

  • We have implemented several important changes in NEM blockchain and did not receive any network problems
  • Implemented NanoWallet for Android (soon for iOS),
  • Released NEM Apostille, the world’s first notary service on blockchain
  • Successfully created the NEM Foundation legal entity and plan to expand
  • Tested Mijin and received tremendous support from Japan and other countries in Asia

The main objectives for 2017:

  • Continue to develop Wallets (for mobile and desktop)
  • Of course, the biggest event that will shake the world community blockchain — Release Catapult (at the last stage of testing, Catapult processed more than 4,000 transactions per second)

What is the highest price we will see in 2017 for XEM?

I believe that the capitalization of the NEM will be over the mark of $100 million, and the price reaches US$ 0.10/XEM.

Lon Wong, a member of NEM team, and one of the founders of the money transfer service Dragonfly Fintech and exchanger of Crypto Apex.

Main achievements for 2016:

  • Adoption of NEM in Japan , Southeast Asia , China and Korea
  • Speaker at a European conference in Belgium
  • Created NEM Foundation, released wallets, and Apostille supernode
  • XEM reached capitalization of more than $100 million for the first time
  • Tested the cross-chain transactions and Mijin
  • Mijin has been tested and verified by NOMURA Research Institute

The main objectives for 2017:

  • Expanding the NEM development team
  • To highlight NEM in the countries of Europe and Africa
  • The release of Catapult and its cross-chain transactions

What is the highest price we will see in 2017 for 1 XEM?

XEM price will surely rise in 2017.

About NEM

NEM is an innovative blockchain technology project — a peer-to-peer crypto platform. It is written in Java and JavaScript with 100% original source code. NEM has a stated goal of a wide distribution model and has introduced new features in blockchain technology in its proof-of-importance (POI) algorithm. NEM also features an integrated P2P secure and encrypted messaging system, multisignature accounts and an Eigentrust++ reputation system.

NEM has gone through extensive open alpha testing starting June 25, 2014, followed by lengthy and comprehensive beta testing starting on October 20, 2014. NEM's public blockchain launched on March 31, 2015 and is now running without interruptions for almost two years.

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