Learn how to build a decentralized blockchain app using NEM Catapult

Published in
2 min readOct 31, 2018

This summer, NEM Solutions Architect, István Deák and the blockchain education platform, Craftain, joined forces to make a free online video course to learn about the upcoming version 2 of the NEM Blockchain (codename Catapult).

The course is a comprehensive self-paced tutorial that introduces both new and experienced blockchain developers to the NEM blockchain. By the end of the course, devs will understand the main characteristics, advantages and different tools available in the NEM ecosystem. Developers will also become familiar with blockchain development concepts like: Aggregated Transactions, Multi-sig Accounts and Cross-Chain Swaps.

Creating the video course at Craftain.

NEM Solutions Architect Istvan Deak:
“It was a great new experience to take my knowledge and passion for the NEM Blockchain and transform it into a format that is shareable with audiences worldwide. Craftain was a very professional partner in this process, and I appreciate their patience with me. I also want to thank my colleagues for supporting me in this task because I can tell you, this was definitely not a one-man job!”

NEM Solutions Architect István Deák


Blockchain is still an emerging technology and the entry barriers for developers are really high. At the moment there is no central hub of knowledge for blockchain technologies. The whole ecosystem is fragmented and there is no clear entry point for aspiring blockchain developers. At Craftain we decided to use our online education experience to solve this problem, creating a school for blockchain developers. We are teaming up with the leading blockchain projects to provide the most relevant development courses to our community.
One of the first teams we pitched the idea was NEM and we were really impressed by their enthusiasm regarding Craftain. During the recording we had the chance to discuss with István Deák regarding NEM technology and vision and we are excited to have them on-board.

Special thanks to David Garcia (@dgarcia360) for taking lead in creating the NEM Curricular framework and working behind the scenes on a great documentation. The videos might be the starting point for some of you, but the documentation will be a companion for all developers.

Link to the course:

