Pillar Project “Unconference” recap.

Published in
2 min readJul 23, 2018

It was a big week for the Europe team in Lithuania this week! The Pillar Project had their “Unconference” which saw hundreds gather from worldwide for talks, panels, workshops and more at Vilnius Grand resort.

Paul Rieger talked about tokenized securities.

Gary, Paul and Joris attended with Paul giving a brilliant talk on Tokenized Securities and gave great insights on several panels. He certainly flew the flag for NEM during a “battle of the blockchains” featuring NEM, EOS, Ethereum, Hashgraph and Radix representatives.

Panel discussion with Paul “regulation vs innovation”

Joris ran workshops, but most importantly, both Paul and Joris got to meet some of our new partners face to face including Cryptodus and Unibright — both NEM Service Partners, along with New Capital, Geens.com and Pillar.

Gary with the Unibright team
Workshop with Nem Solutions architect Joris H.

Joris also certainly had his hands full during some high-level meetings providing NEM tech advice about a Lithuanian Government project and too many more to list!

Lunch with New Capital, Geens, Cryptodus

All in all, a very valuable event for NEM, and we’d certainly like to thank Pillar for putting on a great conference!

