How to transfer listings between accounts on Etsy, eBay, Shopify, or PrestaShop

You have to logout and login, and duplicate your products in Nembol first

Nembol App
Nembol How To
1 min readAug 7, 2018


Many users utilize Nembol to transfer their listings across more accounts on the same channel. Nembol works fine for that, you need to follow this process:

  1. In Nembol, log on the channel using your user №1 (say on eBay, or on Etsy, or ..)
  2. Set your import settings in Nembol for this user. Import your listing.
  3. Logout that user in Nembol and login with your user №2. Set your publishing settings in Nembol
  4. Select, among the imported products, the products you want to publish under the new user, duplicate them. (Nembol is built to avoid double listings by mistake, therefore you have to create a new product as Nembol will not publish twice the same product on the same channel)
  5. Edit them if needed, publish them.

That’s all. Your products have been moved from your Etsy user №1 to your Etsy user №2 or Shopify user, or eBay, or PrestaShop users.



Nembol App
Nembol How To

With Nembol, you can publish products online easily and with no errors, and sync your stock across eBay, Shopify, Etsy and more channels.