Ebay business policies. What they are, how they work, and how to simplify them for easier listing

This post is an abstract of the full article published in Nembol e-commerce Academy.

Guido Meak
Nembol How To
2 min readDec 8, 2019


Each listing you publish on eBay must have three business rules:

  • a Payment policy
  • a Returns policy
  • a Postage policy

The Business Policy Manager in eBay (see Picture 1 below) is a useful tool to create such rules, update and correct them, assign them in bulk to your eBay listings.

Picture 1: This is where you can find your Business Policy Manager

You may have inside eBay Business Policy Manager multiple versions of each business rule, and you can assign dedicated rules to specific listings (e.g. a “heavy shipment” expensive postage should be assigned to bulky items).

Because Nembol is the easy tool to publish your listings on multiple channels and keep your inventory in sync, we made an easy tool to assign a set of correct eBay business policies to your listings. With Nembol you can alternatively:

  1. Pick a full set of policies from within your own policies: Nembol reads the business policies available in your eBay account and makes them available for you to choose.
  2. Use Nembol’s Simplified business policies: if your eBay business policies are too many or too complicated or return an error, Nembol can create and apply for you three new “Postage”, “Payment”, and “Returns” policies, designed to work with most eBay accounts. See picture 2.
PIcture 2: A view of Nembol’s eBay Business Policies settings

Let us know in the in-app chat if we can help you further, or click to read the full article.



Guido Meak
Nembol How To

3 times tech founder, with a background in economics