A growing list of Frequently Asked Questions

Nembol App
Nembol How To
3 min readSep 18, 2018


Note: this guide was updated here on the 31 March 2020

Does Nembol support amazon.co.uk?

YES: as long as each product has a valid barcode (Amazon accepts only GS1 barcodes), Nembol can publish listings on amazon.co.uk, as well as on other national Amazon sites.

Nembol can also extract your listings from amazon.co.uk by reading an ASIN. See this video to see how: https://youtu.be/oeh7Yuq7P7Q

How my listings will be complying with Amazon requirements for uploading listings?

You are responsible to match Amazon product requirements, and your products must have a valid barcode attached to each SKU in Nembol, otherwise the listing will not be accepted. After recent upgrades, your barcodes can be totally new to Amazon, through Nembol, as long as you match the minimum information requirements imposed by Amazon on products in each category.

Can I create brand new products in Amazon via Nembol?

YES: as long as you send to Amazon at least the minimum information they require. Note that if your Barcode is new to Amazon, you must select the category Node ID in Amazon settings inside Nembol. Find here a collection of articles on how to faster publish products on Amazon.

Is it possible to use my own store template?

YES: you can import/export from eBay and Shopify in HTML format. Check this video to see how https://youtu.be/1YUEDy7cf48. Just bear in mind that not all channels will accept all HTML formatting. Etsy for instance does not, Shopify accepts only part of it, Amazon accepts none at all. Nembol automatizes the listing, by getting rid of the HTML formatting that will not be accepted, but this will influence the pagination of your descriptions. Be aware of it.

If a channel, say eBay, is the place I list my products, how deleting the listings from my account on that channel will affect other platforms through Nembol?

If you delete your listings from the source channel after having imported them into Nembol, this will have no impact on those same listings neither in Nembol nor if you had published them on other channels.

Can I edit my products centrally for all channels?

Yes, you can edit your products in Nembol, and Nembol will syndicate your changes through all channels. Find here a full article on how to edit products once for Amazon, eBay, Shopify, WooCommerce, Storenvy.

If you are a Shopify user, you may choose to perform edits in Shopify and set Nembol to update all other channels.

How about the orders from other platforms? If I make a sale on amazon.co.uk, do I need to login my Amazon account to see the customer address or I’ll be able to see the address via Nembol?

For now Nembol does not pull orders together in the same place. We will release this function in the near future. For now you therefore have to login to Amazon to see an Amazon order, and so on on other platforms.

What about customer communications? Example: If I receive a message from a customer on Etsy, would it be possible to review that message in Nembol? The same question for returns etc.

No, Nembol does not pull customer messages together in the same place. Each channel has its own rules on this and will forward messages to you mostly via email.

If I decide to change the price or stock quantity on my main platform, for instance eBay, how this will affect the other platforms?

Nembol will sync price or quantity changes to other channels only from Shopify, if you so have set in Shopify settings inside Nembol.

Nembol does sync quantity changes resulting from an actual order, but it will not sync other types of product edits from any other channels than Shopify. If you modify something say on eBay, you’ll have to import again your eBay listings to Nembol to benefit from the edit. And publish again such listings on each channel.

You can of course edit centrally just in Nembol, once your listings have been imported.



Nembol App
Nembol How To

With Nembol, you can publish products online easily and with no errors, and sync your stock across eBay, Shopify, Etsy and more channels.