How to Change Quantity on eBay: A Comprehensive Guide

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Published in
4 min readJul 20, 2023
Change Quantity on eBay


As an eBay seller, having an efficient inventory management is crucial to the success of your online store. One essential aspect of managing inventory is knowing how to change the quantity of your listings on eBay accurately. Whether you need to update stock levels, adjust available quantities, or handle post-purchase changes, changing quantity on eBay is vital to ensure smooth operations and, overall, having a healthy online business.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore various methods to modify item quantities on eBay. By the end of this article, you will be equipped with the knowledge and tools to manage your eBay inventory effectively.

Keep reading to know more!

How to Change Item Quantity on eBay

Manually Update Quantity for Active Listings

When you need to adjust the quantity available for your active eBay listings, the process is straightforward:

  1. Navigating to your eBay seller dashboard: Log in to your eBay account and access your seller dashboard.
  2. Accessing active listings with available quantities: click on “Sell” on the top-right corner of the page, or click on “My eBay” to access your listing backend
  3. Modifying item quantities using eBay’s interface: Click on the listing you wish to update. Within the listing details, you will find the option to edit the quantity available for that specific item. Simply input the new quantity and save the changes.
  4. Manually edit quantity one by one or use.

Bulk Editing Quantity with Nembol

Bulk edit products’ quantities

As your eBay business grows, updating quantities for individual listings can become time-consuming. Nembol offers an efficient solution through its bulk quantity edit function. Here’s how you can leverage Nembol to update stock levels with ease:

  1. To use Nembol’s quantity bulk edit function log in to your Nembol account and connect your eBay store to the platform. Once connected, navigate to the “Product Tab” section.
  2. Choose the listings for which you want to update the quantity > click the “Action” button to expand the available bulk edit function. Select the “Quantity bulk edit” option.
  3. Input the new quantity, and save to apply the changes to multiple listings at once.

Bulk editing with Nembol saves valuable time, especially if you have numerous listings that require quantity updates. This feature streamlines the process, allowing you to focus on other critical aspects of your eBay business, and simplifying the process.

Bulk edit via CSV. file

For sellers with a large number of listings and variations, manually updating available quantities can be time-consuming. Nembol offers a convenient CSV edit function, simplifying the process:

  1. In your Nembol dashboard, navigate to the “Product” section.
  2. Select the products you want to edit
  3. Click on Actions > Download the CSV > Inventory only
  4. Amend the stock availability
  5. Upload the CSV file back to Nembol and you’re done!

How to Change Quantity on eBay After Purchase

Handling Post-Purchase Quantity Changes

After an item is sold, it’s crucial to promptly update the available quantity to avoid selling items that are no longer in stock. Follow these steps to handle post-purchase quantity changes:

  1. Managing quantity adjustments after an item is sold as soon as an item is purchased.
  2. Ensure that you promptly remove the sold quantity from your eBay products.
  3. Make sure the total amount of items is consistent with the number of units you’ve available in your warehouse.

Improve stock accuracy with an eBay inventory sync

To streamline the post-purchase quantity adjustment process, and avoid overlooks and human errors, Nembol is provided with an inventory sync function. Here’s how it works:

  1. Nembol’s quantity sync function automatically updates the available quantity on eBay after each purchase. This eliminates the need for manual updates and reduces the risk of overselling.
  2. Once a sale is made on eBay, the platform communicates with Nembol and immediately adjusts quantity across multiple channels, ensuring accurate inventory tracking.
  3. With Nembol’s quantity sync function, you can rest assured that your available quantities are always up-to-date, even during high-volume sales periods.


Mastering how to change quantity on eBay is essential for effective inventory management. From updating quantities for active listings to handling post-purchase changes, eBay sellers must be proficient in managing their inventory levels accurately.

Nembol’s powerful and time-saving features offer a seamless solution to the challenges of quantity management on eBay. By leveraging Nembol’s intuitive interface, bulk edit function, and quantity sync feature, you can confidently manage your eBay inventory and drive your e-commerce ventures towards greater success.

Try Nembol for free for 14 days and ease your business operations!



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