How to Create Your Website Instantly with Automatic Website Generator | Nembol’s Easy Website

Daryna Yatsiuk
Nembol How To
Published in
3 min readJul 28, 2023
Ready to go mobile optimized ecommerce website generator

In today’s fast changing world, having an ecommerce website is essential for businesses to thrive online.

However, building website from scratch can be time-consuming and challenging, especially for those without technical expertise. That’s where an Nembol comes to the rescue!

In this article, we will explore how you can get your ecommerce website up and running in just 3 minutes with the help of an innovative Automatic Website Generator software.

Understanding Automatic Website Generator Software

Nembol’s Automatic Website Generator is a feature that allows users to create a website without any coding knowledge. Simply import your products from Amazon, Etsy, eBay, Shopify, or WooCommerce, and with just a few clicks, you can have a fully functional website ready to go live.

The Advantages of an Automatically Generated Website

  • Time-Saving: Building a website manually can take days or even weeks. With an Easy Website, you can save valuable time and effort.
  • User-Friendly: You don’t need any technical knowledge or coding skills. The software takes care of everything for you.
  • Professional Design: The generated websites come with pre-designed template that looks simple and professional.

How Nembol’s Automatic Website Generator Stands Out

There are a couple of nice and easy features that make Nembol’s Easy Website stand out among others:

  • Easy Product Import: Nembol allows you to import products seamlessly from various platforms like Etsy, Shopify, Amazon, eBay, WooCommerce, or your legacy system.
  • Instant Website Generation: Once your products are imported, Nembol instantly generates a fully-fledged website for your business.
  • Custom Domain Integration: You can connect your custom domain to give your website a personalized touch.
  • Secure Checkout System: Nembol’s Easy Website includes a PayPal checkout system, ensuring secure transactions.
  • Real-time Communication: Integrate WhatsApp and Telegram to chat with your clients in real-time, providing top-notch customer support.

Click to read more about Easy Website’s features.

Connect WhatsApp and Telegram to your Easy Website to chat with your clients

Getting Started with Nembol’s Automatic Website Generator

Creating your website with Nembol is a straightforward process:

Step 1: Sign Up for Free Trial

Visit Nembol’s website and sign up for a 14-day free trial. This allows you to explore all the features without any commitment.

Step 2: Import Your Products

Import your existing accounts from Etsy, Shopify, Amazon, eBay, WooCommerce, or your legacy system. Nembol will import your products effortlessly.

Step 3: Let Nembol Work Its Magic

Once the products are imported, go to Easy Website tab and flip a switch to generate your new website.

Step 4: Customize and Personalize

You can further customize it to align with your brand identity. Add logo, cover image, your business information, etc. Check this video setup guide.

Connect a Custom domain to your ecommerce website


In conclusion, an Automatic Website Generator like Nembol’s Easy Website revolutionizes the way businesses establish an online presence. With its time-saving capabilities and user-friendly interface, anyone can have an ecommerce website up and running in just 3 minutes. Easy Website’s additional features, such as custom domain integration, PayPal checkout system, and real-time communication channels, make it a top choice for ecommerce sellers.

Don’t hesitate to try Nembol’s 14-day free trial and get your website ready today!



Daryna Yatsiuk
Nembol How To Marketing specialist with focus on e-commerce, video marketing, social media marketing. Entrepreneur.