Pinterest’s new ‘One-tap’ promoted Pins

Nembol App
Nembol e-commerce Stories
3 min readDec 1, 2016

Pinterest recently introduced a new kind of promoted Pins: they’re called one-tap and, as the name suggests, they let users access directly the external page of the item they’re looking for.

Pinterest ‘One-tap’ promoted Pins

The new ad format has just started being tested among selected advertisers, but the early response has been very positive: almost twice as many users are finding items to buy through these new Pins.

Pinterest is good for online sales

Reducing the distance between the user and the product for sale is for sure one of the first steps to get a higher conversion rate. The free Pinterest features already available are very helpful too if you want to get your products found by the right audience and boost your conversion rate.

1) Visual Search

We’ve talked about visual search in this article: using the command in the top-right corner of the pin, users can select an area of the picture and Pinterest will search for similar visual patterns within its database then provide several options.

Are your products already listed on Pinterest? Good! They have chances to appear in visual search results too.

2) Buyable Pins

Introduced last year and powered by four of the main e-commerce providers on the market (Shopify, Magento, Demandware, and BigCommerce), Buyable Pins are now cross-device. Checkout too is cross-device: if a user adds an item to the mobile cart, she will find it in her web account and vice-versa. Also, users can save buyable Pins for later and be notified when they drop in price.

Pinterest cross-device checkout

3) Link to the item for sale

Not every online merchant is eligible to generate buyable Pins, whether it’s because of the platform the shop is hosted on or the country it belongs to. If buyable Pins are not an option, simply make sure that each of your ins redirects users to the item for sale! You have three options:

  • Pin directly from the page of the item for sale
  • Change the link manually from the Pin settings
  • Use Nembol and get it done automatically!
Publish your products on Pinterest with Nembol

Pinterest is more of a personal tool than a social one. People don’t come on the platform to see what their friends are doing — there are lots of other places for that. Instead, they come to Pinterest to find ideas to try, and to figure out which ones they love.

Making sure your products are on Pinterest, ready to be found, is one of the free online marketing tactics you can easily activate by yourself. Enable the Pinterest channel when listing multi-channel with Nembol — it’s a no-brainer! — and instantly increase your products visibility!



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Nembol e-commerce Stories

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