The Secrets Behind Storenvy Marketplace

You just opened a store and you are wondering how products publication on the Marketplace works. Let’s take a look at a practical scenario.

Nembol App
Nembol e-commerce Stories
2 min readJul 31, 2015


It can happen that some of your products look like they haven’t been successfully published on Storenvy: you can’t find them on your Marketplace Store.

However, nothing is missing on your Custom Storefront.

This means that products are there, but something prevents them from showing up on the Marketplace.

Let’s check together few possible causes:

  1. Have you waited at least 72 hours?
    This is the time products can take up to before being indexed.
  2. Could your products be considered restricted or illegal items?
    If so, they might have been banned.
  3. Perhaps there is a max number of products that can be shown on the Marketplace
    As far as we know, not at all.

Are your products still not showing up?

As explained in their help center, there is a simple yet pretty dumb trick to make them magically appear: hide and re-activate them. That’s it!

Few minutes spent playing hide and seek with your products, and they will be right back onto your Marketplace Store.



Nembol App
Nembol e-commerce Stories

With Nembol, you can publish products online easily and with no errors, and sync your stock across eBay, Shopify, Etsy and more channels.