Coming next short term on Nemesis Downfall…

Nemesis Downfall
Nemesis Downfall
5 min read2 days ago


Hello Downfallers,

With the deployment of our brand new team mode, we have achieved a significant development milestone, and we feel that the game is almost complete enough to start promoting it and creating a player base. As such, we thought we’d give the community a heads up on what’s coming next for the project.

Almost there: fixing unwanted player behaviors

As stated, the game now has all the standard features players would expect in a modern FPS: a free to play mode, a competitive mode for those who like the thrill of potential big rewards, and a team mode for those who like to play with friends.

Despite the fact that it’s been a major point of feedback from players for a while, we have not prioritized solving the playability issues arising from players cheating and exploiting some of the game rules. That is, until now. Our next patch will indeed be focused on adding to ND a complete admin system, allowing us to detect, witness and sanction unwanted behaviors such as abusive abandons, farming, diverse cheats, AFKs and so on. We are confident that with the systems we’re about to implement, most of these behaviors will be rendered ineffective and will disappear, and the game will finally be as fun as it should be for normal players.

Making Nemesis Downfall Unique

Although we’re happy to say that we have now implemented the in-game features we wanted to make the game attractive, fun, and interesting to most players, it has never been our intention to have “just enough,” and as such, we have been working on our core differentiating system which we’re sure will make ND a different proposition from the rest of the GameFi FPSs out there, separating it from the rest of the pack.

Introducing our future class system. As already hinted, the current classes are only placeholders for the future complex system we’re designing. And although it’s still too early to present, we can start giving you an idea of what it will be.

The class system will be a set of specializations bringing their own specificities to the gameplay: on top of customizing their loadouts with weapons and items specific to each class, players will select class specific perks, such as reduced recoil, enhanced life, increased ammo capacity, etc. The complex set of perks associated to the class roles (Assault, breach, support, recon, etc) will be magnified by a system of class predilection for characters. As you know, we currently have a bunch of different characters and skins, which are only cosmetics. Well, the new class system will introduce bonuses for using specific characters and skins with specific classes, allowing for further customization.

On top of all that, we can already share that our current grenades are only the tip of the iceberg, as the class system will come with a lot more options for loadout items. Expect force fields, speed boosters, decoys and vision enhancers amongst other things. All of which will only be accessible to specific classes for which match a given role.

We’re very excited about our class system, as we know it is going to really drastically improve the interest of playing different characters and roles, and make Nemesis Downfall’s gameplay highly unique. We know it is also going to be a gamechanger for our team mode, introducing a massive amount of team composition strategy and gameplay!

Conquering Gamefi, finding players and investors

As we’ve already shared, we’ve successfully started our player acquisition strategy by partnering with guilds and creating quests and animations around the game.

But we’re not limiting ourselves to that, and we’re working hard on making the summer of 2024 a starting point for Nemesis Downfall to go global. In August, we will be present at the Coinfest Asia 2024 convention in Bali, Asia’s largest web3 festival acclaimed by a lot of the major actors of Gamefi such as Animoca Brands & YGG. We will be a part of a stand with our new partner, W3GG, one of the biggest gaming guilds worldwide, and we will be doing a Nemesis Downfall game demonstration on stage.

Shortly after that, we are working on another major event with a top web3 player that we can’t still announce, but expect Nemesis Downfall esports events and an exciting and important step for the project investors-wise.

To support the organization of these events, we are building a marketing strategy together with our event partners and KOLs, and we hope to be able to give ND a strong visibility boost, both on the gaming and market sides.

Longer terms plans

As you’ve probably understood, we published a beta version as soon as we could, sharing our development journey with the players and community. Since then, we have been relentlessly developing, adding the competitive mode, team mode, new maps, new characters, etc. And we’re not planning to stop anytime soon!

As projected in our initial roadmap, which we’ll update shortly, we have more in the pipeline, including new modes (Battle royale), mechanisms, tons of improvements on what we already have following player feedback, etc.

Project wise, we intend to keep developing our visibility while taking our spot at the top of web3 gaming, working with the leading industry players to improve the product & its visibility. We also hope our summer plans will help us with developing the project team and vision.

Marketwise, we are working on improving our ND token usage. Obviously, with the game being adopted, usage will come in-game, but we’d also like to improve it out of the game for our investors with different mechanisms, including staking or farming, in a timely manner.

In conclusion, Nemesis Downfall is at a turning point. We are now working hard for the world to realize the game and project’s potential, and we would appreciate the full support of the community to get Nemesis Downfall on as many screens and ND in as many wallets as possible!

We feel confident that our game is currently sitting above the competition, especially considering what we have in the pipeline for it. We also feel confident that now is a good moment on the market for our ND token to get out of its idle state and start turning eyes as well.

Downfallers, it is time to assemble and help us show what we have!

About Nemesis Downfall

Nemesis downfall is the first ever FPS Play-and-earn game developed as a game with crypto serving it and not the other way around. In a dystopian future, players fight each other in a Deathmatch style game featuring a whole in-game economy based on its $ND token and lootable NFTs.

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