Token Incentive program

Adding liquidity and accelerating burn

Nemesis Downfall
Nemesis Downfall
3 min readMar 22, 2024


Downfallers, and all ND holders,

As we make progress in developing the game and acquiring new players, we are also focusing on making Nemesis Downfall attractive to investors and appealing on our web3 market.

We would like to recap a few actions we have taken lately:


We started our pairs with low liquidity to try and let the price find a sweet spot by itself, but as we gain credibility and exposure, it was important to add more liquidity to our main pair on PancakeSwap. We have done so twice during the month of February, but the ND price remained exposed to too much volatility, hence we have decided to launch a Liquidity incentive program, involving some private and project funds.

This program incentivizes buyers to contribute to the liquidity in exchange for a token bonus and an active extra burn. The resulting liquidity are then locked for 20 years, insuring holders and investors more market stability, and accelerating the deflation of ND by removing both the locked and the burnt tokens from the total supply.

We have added yesterday USDT 12k + 12k worth of ND to our Pancakeswap ND/USDT pair liquidity.
The resulting 942 Cake-LP token have been locked 20 years (
The addition led to an extra 10M ND burn (

If you are interested in participating to the Liquidity Incentive program, please come forward and contact the team on socials.


As we have always emphasized, being a Play and earn game means distributing rewards in game to players. However, we have conceived an in-game and project economy around our rewards mechanism to ensure these releases would not dilute ND investors and holders, both through in-game features and market mechanisms.

We have now distributed rewards for 3 weeks and would like to share some interesting numbers:

  • The in-game economy has retained over one third of the rewards distributed, despite being very limited still and lacking most of the features that will incentive players to use their ND in-game (season pass, competitive games, etc.)
  • The Rewards distribution has burnt the equivalent of over one third of the withdrawn rewards
  • The latest Liquidity incentive program just burnt over 90% of the rewards withdrawn.

All of this means that we have retained or burnt more ND tokens than players have sent to the market by over 30%.


We are also working on giving the ND token more exposure, and have recently listed on CoinMarketCap:

ND on CoinMarketCap

We are in touch with CG and CMC to get the circulating and total supply numbers corrected and reflecting the burns.

In conclusion

We will continue our efforts to keep the ND token attractive and have other mechanisms that will be put in place when they are ready, in-game or off-game.

About Nemesis Downfall

Nemesis downfall is the first ever FPS Play-and-earn game developed as a game with crypto serving it and not the other way around. In a dystopian future, players fight each other in a Deathmatch style game featuring a whole in-game economy based on its $ND token and lootable NFTs.

DYOR in our Gitbook here

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