Discover Intent with Nemetics

Nemetics Institute
5 min readFeb 17, 2016


By Nemetics Institute

Rotana Ty introduces the non-linear approach to creating this piece of transmedia with Dan RD.

“Your natural wanderings are your compass to what’s truly interesting to you.” — Nick Crocker #mindfulness

Artists use a compass. Managers use a map. #creativity #mindset

Map out where you have wandered, adjust your compass and connect with other map makers. Trust that your intent is somewhere over the horizon, somewhere within you, somewhere in the actions you do and conversations you share. You might feel it, but just don’t see it clearly yet.

Intent via #Nemetics

Trust, coherence, understanding, peace, agility, synchrodipity

Understanding intent is central to Nemetics.

One intent of Nemetics is Peace.

Intent happens in the Now, synchronizing the rhythms of our emotions, cognitions, and physical actions.

In peace, the strings of our relatedness resonate coherently.

When we know how our intents overlap, we trust.

#Trust in explicit Intent

When we understand the narrative that connects us, we can act on shared intent with agility.
Agile By Nimal Raj mixed with Dandelion By Rediffusion, US
With the shared intent to learn from our disagreements.

Feel free to disagree in dialog and also … listen

“People join a dialogue provided they are interested in listening to one another, in reflecting upon perspectives different from their own, and in entertaining the prospect of being changed by what they learn. It often leads to collaborative action.” — Thomas and Pruitt (2007)

Even with shared intent, we may need a common language.

Insight Iterate Fail in RGB

“What situation do you want to be different? ( Intent 1.0 )
What are the things you want to change ( Notice )
If you did x action, what are the different scenarios for changing the situation ( Engage )
What are the possible negative scenarios and constraints on your proposed actions? How to minimize the risks of failure? How to work within the constraints of time and money. (Mull )
What form should your action take, can you do it? (Exchange)
Now what do you want to do next? ( Intent 2.0 )”
Visual by ddrrnt with his explanation below.
  • Red => the event of failure shifts circumstances (micro/energy)
  • Blue = > conscious awareness of how to change (macro/constraint)
  • Green = > new behaviors from new knowledge (meso/situation)
  • NEME Δ Intent: The RGB torus shifts in peace

“For any system, the situation of interest is put in the meso level — green. In general the micro level — red — is the source of energy. The macro level — blue — is the source of constraints. To understand the dynamics in the meso-green world, look one proximate level up and one proximate level down.” — Michael Josefowicz

As your intent is refined, succeeding is more frequent than failing.

Your intent is what you really want to do now

Your intent arises as you mull upon failures, gain insight and iterate.

If you act and fail, that’s fine

Notice what you chose to do now. Be mindful of your intent.

Seek insight from failure

This is how it begins.

Let your strategy drift to steer with intent

1. Have the Intent

Photo courtesy of smartden
At times we have more questions than answers. What do we mean by intent?

Intent is as much a question as it is an answer

Stop for a moment: Your intent is what moves you in the now. You can picture it as your compass pointing toward some distant horizon you hope to reach. Yet, your intent can change, the horizon can shift.

You will iterate as you notice these changes

Yesterday, what you loved connected you with like-minded others, but tomorrow the circumstances will be different. Each intent you held as an individual may need to adapt in the light of others’ feedback.

True north” might end up adjusting itself. What was once your journey may become one that involves others who connect around a similar intent. New directions align with your own, so the story goes.

Maybe the NEME of your Intent looks like this horn torus


At the center is love, which is said to be “a motivational state”

Is intent a force as strong as love?

Over time, you discover and rediscover your intent

From intent to strategy.

This learning informs your strategy in life

Values underpin your intent.

You learn what you value

Consider the intent to know your intent.

You desire to take action to see your strategy ‘come alive’

Can your intent sustain happiness despite the risks?

Intent is preferable to ‘I don’t know’

Intent may be the glue of hope, holding together a purpose & vision.

Intent links hopeful visions to a solid sense of purpose

Intent may be a mechanism of self making.

Intent is autopoiesis (self making) in complex adaptive systems

“Identity is much more mutable than we commonly imagine, shifting to match the various roles we play and the contexts in which we act. We sustain a sense of self not by always being the same, but by always adapting with integrity.” — Julian Baggini

2. Notice the Changes

Listening, feeling, knowledge, behavior

Once your compass has been calibrated by Intent, you can relax and Notice from no Mind. To turn off your mind is to suspend your judgment of others, allowing you to listen for their Intent and to feel the aliveness of the situation from which engagement naturally emerges.

Loosen your intent to listen and feel in openness

When we share the intent to act, new knowledge is entangled between us.

Entagle new knowledge

The knowledge we gain is often about our own choices in behavior.

3. Engage with the Flow

Attention, simplicity, persistence, fun,

Your ideal intent engages the flow. Without the need of to-do lists, it moves you toward your desired future and through the unknowns. Have fun, be persistent.

No need to get hung up on making the complex simple.

Change is simple if you intend it to be

Your intent should help you act with simplicity and flow.

Persist as love goes with your flow

Notice from no Mind to discover how you might contribute.

Contribute with care to unleash new capabilities

“Concentrate on the flow of information and the quality of relationships that emerge rather than the control of information.” — Fairholm, M. R (2013)

4. Mull the Interactions

Constraints, risks, feedback, discernment, choice

Your intent is understood as you Mull upon the choices you’ve made in life and the best interactions you’ve experienced with people you love. Life is filled with risks, so it takes discernment and feedback from others to realize your intent, or how it is changing.

Even when your Intent isn’t fully known, interact to gain feedback and navigate the risk.

Move with intent despite the risk

Interactions reveal constraints in the form of feedback.

Listen for the feedback of constraints

Intent and constraints in dynamic tension.

Intent influences

Your intent is a force of will that can move any +/- constraints.

“Intent creates constraints & moves them at will.”Dibyendu De

Your intent can help you change the constraints of your situation effortlessly.

5. Exchange Appropriately

Conversation, action, pattern, authenticity, re/discovery, narrative

Interact and act to clarify the intent you may hold in common with others. Intent is the force to shape narratives and construct shared meanings. It generates the patterns in the words and actions you present to people. Exchanging stories, our ‘nemi-thinking’, the dynamics of intent+constraint are re/discovered.

Your actions reveal your intent. Exchanges with others are a point of action.

Act on choice: Exchange

Exchanges reveal patterns.

Patterns of Intent

Intent shapes conversations and may be revealed within a single word exchanged.

A single word, steered by Intent

Simply put, your actions speak louder than words.

Intent is louder than words

The authenticity of your intent is re/discovered in exchange.

Re/Discover the purpose of Exchange

Authenticity comes naturally as your intent is clarified.

Gain clear intent from insights & iterative exchanges

Exchange stories to learn the shared intent.

Exchange with intent to move the situation and narrative

Notice how intent emerges in the constraints of a conversation.

The emergence of intent can be heard in conversation

If you need a strategic pattern to fractalize intent, follow the narrative fractal.
Image via Dan RD and based on the Narrative Fractal model of Mark Frazier. To engage this pattern, mull these questions: 1. What attractor do you feel drawn to?
2. What challenges/tensions come with it?
3. What new condition could overcome these tensions?
4. What strategy can work to get there?
5. What test can confirm this strategy?
6. What are you ready to do, if your test succeeds?

“When I went to college my Intent was to be a doctor. At college my intent became to “save the world.” Then I started a family and my Intent was to care for and nurture my family. Now I am old. I’ve realized the world will save itself,. My intent is to do what little I can do to minimize human collateral damage. After all these years, I’ve found my authentic Intent is to live in peace with people I love.” — Michael Josefowicz

Exchange more @NEMETICS

Engage via Google+ at

Notice and Mull more at

