Binary Ontology and Emergence

Wolfgang Stegemann, Dr. phil.
Published in
8 min readAug 12, 2024

In philosophy and science, the fundamental nature of reality has long been debated. My approach combines the idea of a fundamental binary ontology with the concept of emergence. This approach offers a solution to the apparent paradox between the simplicity of fundamental processes and the complexity of observable phenomena.

The Binary Basis of Reality

The core idea of this model is that at the most fundamental level, reality follows a binary logic. This binary structure manifests itself in fundamental decisions or states that can only take on two possible values — yes or no, 0 or 1. This idea finds its roots in classical logic, Boolean algebra, and has practical applications in computer science and electrical engineering.

A historical example of this approach can be found in Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz’s work “De Arte Combinatoria” (1666), in which he proposes a binary number system and develops the idea that all concepts can be reduced to fundamental truths [1].

Even in seemingly chaotic systems, this binary nature can be observed. At bifurcation points, where the system decides between different paths, we meet fundamental yes/no decisions. This observation supports the idea that even highly complex systems are based on a sequence of binary decisions.

A concrete example of this is the fig tree diagram in chaos theory, which shows how a deterministic system transitions into chaotic behavior through a series of binary branches [2].

Emergence and Ontological Levels

Despite this binary foundation, we observe immense complexity and diversity in the world. This is where the concept of emergence comes into play. Emergence describes the appearance of new properties or structures at higher organizational levels that cannot be directly derived from the properties of the components at lower levels.

The philosopher John Stuart Mill discussed the idea of emergent properties as early as the 19th century in his work “System of Logic” (1843), where he argued that certain phenomena cannot be explained by the sum of their parts alone [3].

A central aspect of this model is that each emergent plane develops its own ontology. These emergent ontologies are not reducible to the underlying levels, although they build on them. They follow their own laws and often require their own methods of description and analysis.

Neural networks as an example

Neural networks, both artificial and biological, provide a vivid example of this concept. At the most basic level, they work with binary signals — neurons fire or don’t fire. However, complex cognitive processes and behaviors emerge from this simple binary basis, which have their own laws and cannot simply be reduced to the activity of individual neurons.

A fascinating example of this is the phenomenon of consciousness. Theories such as Giulio Tononi’s Integrated Information Theory postulate that consciousness as an emergent property arises from the integration of information in complex neural networks [4].

Philosophical implications

This model has far-reaching philosophical implications. It overcomes the traditional dichotomy between reductionist and holistic approaches by acknowledging both the fundamental simplicity of binary logic and the complexity of emergent systems. It implies an ontological pluralism that accepts different ways of being at different levels while maintaining a universal logical basis.

The philosopher Mario Bunge has developed similar ideas in his work “Emergence and Convergence” (2003) and argues for an “emergentist materialism” that recognizes both the reality of emergent properties and their material basis [5].

An important aspect of this model is the recognition of limits in our understanding. The transitions between the ontological levels cannot be ontologically justified, suggesting a fundamental discontinuity in the structure of reality. This highlights the limits of our ability to know and the need to accept jumps or gaps in our understanding.

Information Theory and Binary Ontology

Another interesting aspect that supports the concept of binary ontology comes from information theory. Claude Shannon, the founder of information theory, showed that any information can be reduced to a series of binary decisions (bits) [6]. This insight has not only revolutionized modern computer technology, but it also provides a profound perspective on the nature of reality itself.

If we view reality as a fundamental information structure, as some modern physical theories suggest, then this supports the idea of a binary basis. Physicist John Archibald Wheeler coined the phrase “It from Bit”, which expresses the idea that physical reality is ultimately made up of information [7].

This information-theoretic perspective opens up new ways to understand the connection between the binary basis and the emergent phenomena. It suggests that complex systems can be regarded as information processing processes that emerge from simple binary operations.

Fractal structures and self-similarity

A fascinating aspect that supports the idea of emergence from a binary basis is the concept of fractal structures and self-similarity. Fractals, first systematically studied by Benoit Mandelbrot, are geometric structures that resemble themselves at different scales [8].

What is particularly interesting is that many fractal structures can be generated by relatively simple, often binary rules. A classic example is the Sierpinski triangle, which is created by a simple iterative process in which a binary decision is made at each step.

The ubiquity of fractal structures in nature — from snowflakes to coastlines to the branching patterns of blood vessels — suggests that complex, self-similar structures can arise from simple, often binary rules. This supports the idea that a binary basis can lead to the observed complexity and diversity in nature.

Ethical and Social Implications

The idea of a binary ontology with emergent levels also has significant ethical and social implications. If we accept that complex phenomena emerge from simple foundations, this could influence our understanding of responsibility and free will.

On the one hand, one could argue that if all decisions can ultimately be traced back to binary processes, this calls into question free will. On the other hand, the concept of emergence suggests that new properties and regularities arise at higher levels that cannot be reduced to the basic level. This could leave room for emergent forms of freedom and responsibility.

In social and political contexts, this model could lead to a more nuanced understanding of complexity. It might remind us that simple, binary decisions can lead to unpredictable and complex outcomes. This could lead to a more cautious approach to simplistic explanations and solutions to complex social problems.

The sociologist Niklas Luhmann has developed similar ideas in his systems theory by describing social systems as emergent phenomena that arise from binary communication processes [9]. This perspective offers new ways to understand the complexity of social interactions and institutions.

These additional aspects extend the concept of binary ontology and emergence beyond the purely philosophical and scientific realms and show its potential implications for our understanding of information, nature, and society.

Challenges and open questions

Despite its elegance and explanatory power, this model faces some challenges. Quantum mechanics, with its non-classical properties, seems at first glance to be at odds with a strictly binary ontology. However, it is argued that these are observation and measurement problems, not ontological contradictions. This highlights the need to distinguish between the nature of reality and our ability to grasp it.

Interestingly, some physicists, such as David German in his book “The Fabric of Reality” (1997), have argued that quantum mechanics can indeed be understood as a kind of multiverse binary structure, potentially providing a way to reconcile quantum mechanics with a binary ontology [10].

Eastern Philosophy: Yin and Yang as a Binary Principle in a Holistic Worldview

Chinese philosophy, especially Taoism, offers a fascinating example of a binary principle embedded in a holistic worldview with the concept of Yin and Yang. This concept embodies the idea that seemingly opposing forces in the natural world are actually complementary and interdependent.

Yin and Yang represent basic dual forces or principles:

Yin is often associated with darkness, femininity, passivity, and the moon

Yang is associated with brightness, masculinity, activity and the sun

At first glance, this binary subdivision resembles the idea of a fundamental binary ontology. However, the concept of Yin and Yang goes beyond a simple dichotomy:

Holism: Yin and Yang are considered parts of a whole. The well-known Taiji symbol (☯) illustrates this by showing how the two forces merge into each other, each containing one part of the other.

Dynamic balance: Yin and Yang are not static, but in constant motion and transformation. This reflects the idea of emergence, in which complex dynamics emerge from simple foundations.

Contextual dependency: What is considered yin in one context can be yang in another. This is similar to the idea of different ontological levels where the nature of reality manifests itself differently.

Emergence of complexity: In Chinese philosophy, the diversity of the world is often seen as the result of the interaction and combination of yin and yang. This corresponds to the idea that complex phenomena can emerge from simple binary principles.

The I Ching (Book of Changes), a classical Chinese text, uses a system of 64 hexagrams consisting of various combinations of continuous (yang) and broken (yin) lines. This can be considered an early example of a complex system built on binary foundations.

The integration of this Eastern concept into our model of binary ontology and emergence offers several advantages:

It shows that the idea of a fundamental binary structure that leads to complexity can be found in various cultural and philosophical traditions.

It emphasizes the importance of the context and relationships between the binary elements, which can enrich our understanding of emergence.

It offers a bridge between reductionist and holistic approaches by showing how binary foundations can be integrated into a holistic worldview.

It underlines the idea that opposites do not necessarily have to contradict each other, but can be complementary — a concept that finds a modern equivalent in quantum physics with wave-particle duality.

The inclusion of this Eastern perspective adds a cross-cultural and historical dimension to our understanding of binary ontology and emergence. It shows that these ideas are deeply rooted in different traditions of thought and may offer new ways to understand and explore the connection between simple foundations and complex phenomena.

In his work “The Tao of Physics” (1975), physicist Fritjof Capra explores the parallels between modern physics and Eastern mysticism, including the concept of yin and yang. Capra argues that the holistic view of Eastern philosophy can provide valuable insights for understanding quantum mechanics and systems theory [11]. This perspective supports the idea that basic binary principles and emergent complexity have been recognized and explored in different knowledge traditions.


The presented model of a universal binary basic logic with emergent ontologies provides a framework for understanding the structure of reality. It combines the simplicity of fundamental processes with the observable complexity of the world, while providing space for acknowledging the limits of our knowledge.



[1] Leibniz, G. W. (1666). Dissertatio de arte combinatoria.

[2] Feigenbaum, M. J. (1978). Quantitative universality for a class of nonlinear transformations. Journal of Statistical Physics, 19(1), 25–52.

[3] Mill, J. S. (1843). A System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive.

[4] Tononi, G. (2008). Consciousness as integrated information: a provisional manifesto. The Biological Bulletin, 215(3), 216–242.

[5] Bunge, M. (2003). Emergence and Convergence: Qualitative Novelty and the Unity of Knowledge. University of Toronto Press.

[6] Shannon, C. E. (1948). A Mathematical Theory of Communication. Bell System Technical Journal, 27(3), 379–423.

[7] Wheeler, J. A. (1990). Information, physics, quantum: The search for links. In W. Zurek (Ed.), Complexity, Entropy, and the Physics of Information. Addison-Wesley.

[8] Mandelbrot, B. B. (1982). The Fractal Geometry of Nature. W. H. Freeman and Company.

[9] Luhmann, N. (1984). Soziale Systeme: Grundriß einer allgemeinen Theorie. Suhrkamp.

[10] Deutsch, D. (1997). The Fabric of Reality. Allen Lane.

[11] Capra, F. (1975). The Tao of Physics: An Exploration of the Parallels Between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism. Shambhala Publications.

