Neo-Cybernetics & Complex Systems: At the Crossroads of Nature, Society and Technology

Daniele Nanni
Published in
8 min readNov 16, 2023



The core focus of Neo-Cybernetics is the study and design of complex systems, which are constructs that stand at the confluence of various disciplines and practice methods.

Understanding complex systems, means becoming aware of the interconnected relation between those components that define our world.

From the complexities of natural ecosystems to the dynamics of social and technical systems, the realm of complex systems is extremely vast and indeed ‘complex’.

This article delves into the world of complex systems, exploring their nature and the key concepts that distinguish the nuances of their complexity.

A Foreword on Complexity

Complexity, a concept deeply intertwined with chaos theory, finds its roots in the pioneering work of Henri Poincaré, a French mathematician who laid the foundation over a century ago.

Unlike the deterministic chaos, which suggests that outcomes can be predicted with complete knowledge of initial conditions, complexity theory delves into a realm of non-determinism where future predictions remain elusive.

This field explores the intricate space between deterministic order and complete randomness, often referred to as the ‘edge of chaos.’

Here, in the vast and dynamic networks of interactions, simple patterns emerge from an ocean of complex relationships.

Complexity theory differs fundamentally from chaos theory in its reliance on historical context; while chaotic systems are defined by a limited set of non-linear interactions and lack historical dependence, complex systems evolve through a series of irreversible and unpredictable events, maintaining a state of continuous transformation.

This historical footprint distinguishes complex systems, which, despite their inherent robustness, are poised for radical, qualitative transformations, mirroring the process of metamorphosis in nature. In essence, complexity is like a complicated mix of order, chaos, and history, which makes it a fascinating field of study for learning about the dynamic patterns in our world.

What are Complex Systems?

Building on this understanding of complexity and complexity theory, let’s now move into the subject matter of cybernetics and neo-cybernetics: complex systems.

At its core, a complex system is an assembly of numerous components, agents or nodes, that interact in ways that influence the behavior and properties of the system as a whole.

These interactions often lead to non-linear behaviors and emergent properties, which cannot be predicted merely by understanding the individual components.

Complex systems are characterized by their dynamic networks of multiplicity, interdependence, and adaptive behaviour.

Key Characteristics

  • Non-linearity: Behavioural patterns manifest through positive and negative feedback loops, which make the outputs not directly proportional to the inputs.
  • Emergence: The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
  • Adaptability: Ability to change and evolve over time.
  • Interconnectivity: High degree of interaction among components.
A way of modeling a Complex Adaptive System. A system with high adaptive capacity exerts complex adaptive behavior in a changing environment. Image Source: Acadac, NikNaks (Wikipedia)

Complex Systems, Cybernetics and Neo-Cybernetics

The study of complex systems finds a profound intersection with cybernetics and the modern extension proposed by our community: neo-cybernetics. Cybernetics, with its focus on understanding control and communication in systems — be they biological, mechanical, or social — offers tools for studying and designing feedback loops and adaptive mechanisms that are quintessential to complex systems.

Neo-cybernetics extends this holistic approach beyond traditional boundaries and technical limitations, harnessing the cultural and technological advancements that have occurred since the latter half of the 1990s.

The advent of digital technology, social media, complex societal structures, advanced artificial intelligence, critical ecological issues and the contemporary meta-crisis have introduced additional layers of complexity, extending beyond the scope of traditional cybernetics.

In this context, neo-cybernetics integrates the nuanced interplay and emergent behaviors of multiple, interconnected systems, navigating between the macro and micro scales, also placing emphasis on ethics and eco-systemic awareness, addressing the evolving interconnections among natural, social, and technical complex systems.

Moving forward, our discussion will briefly touch upon the specific realms of natural, social, and technical systems, providing a bite-sized overview of their main concepts and key aspects.

We will explore how these systems manifest their complexity, interact with their environments, and how their study and design can be informed by the principles of neo-cybernetics, offering insights into their unique challenges and opportunities.

Natural Ecosystems as Complex Systems

Natural ecosystems are quintessential examples of complex systems. They comprise billions of diverse biological entities, each interacting with others and their environment manifesting a delicate balance of food chains, symbiotic relationships, and ecological cycles.

Definition and Components

  • Biotic elements: Plants, animals, and microorganisms.
  • Abiotic elements: Climate, soil, water, nutrients.
  • Interactions: Predation, competition, cooperation.

Key Aspects

  • Biodiversity: The variety of life forms within an ecosystem.
  • Ecological balance: The equilibrium between different species and their environment.
  • Resilience: The ability of an ecosystem to withstand and recover from disturbances.

In the context of neo-cybernetics, natural systems embody the principles of interconnectedness and feedback loops, highlighting the importance of understanding not just individual elements but their synergistic relationships. Neo-cybernetics emphasizes the significance of each element’s role within the broader system, mirroring our focus on the integration of systems within their environments.

Additionally, the concept of resilience in ecosystems resonates with the emphasis on adaptability and sustainability, illustrating how systems can maintain their integrity and functionality in spite of disturbances, predatory and adversarial behaviours, all concepts that are pivotal to neo-cybernetics.

Social Systems or Human-Centric Complex Systems

Social systems refer to the organized structures and patterns of relationships between individuals and groups. These systems are governed by social norms, roles, and cultural practices and are constantly evolving due to human actions and interactions.

Definition and Component

  • Individuals and groups: The basic units of social systems.
  • Institutions: Established organizations and norms.
  • Culture: Shared beliefs, values, and practices.

Key Aspects

  • Social dynamics: The evolving patterns of relationships and social structures, including norms, conflict resolution and cooperation.
  • Cultural diversity: The range of cultural practices and perspectives within a system.
  • Adaptability: The ability of social systems to evolve in response to internal and external changes.

Social systems, underpinned by the interactions of individuals and groups and shaped by institutions and cultural frameworks, are extremely dynamic entities, continuously evolving in response to both internal and external stimuli.

In the realm of neo-cybernetics, this dynamic nature of social systems is critically examined with a focus on how culture, economy, ontologies, symbols, and semantics play integral roles in shaping interactions within social networks.

Components of Social Systems. Image by the author.

We acknowledge that shared beliefs, values, and practices are not static but evolve, influencing and being influenced by the economic and social dynamics of the system.

This perspective enables a deeper understanding of how cultural diversity and adaptability are not just characteristics of social systems but are driving forces that shape their evolution.

Technical Systems: Engineered Complex Systems

Technical systems encompass a broad array of engineered and technological systems, ranging from simple tools to complex infrastructures like power grids and information networks.

Definition and Components

  • Machinery and technology: Core elements of technical systems.
  • Infrastructure: Physical and organizational structures.
  • Information networks: Systems for communication and data exchange.

Key Aspects

  • Interoperability: The ability of different systems to work together.
  • Efficiency and reliability: Measures of system performance.
  • Innovation: The continuous improvement and evolution of technical systems.

Technical systems, encompassing a broad range of artifacts from simple tools to complex infrastructures like power grids and cloud platforms, exemplify engineered complexity.

These systems, fundamentally composed of machinery, technology, infrastructure, and information networks, represent the tangible backbone of our society.

In the context of neo-cybernetics, the study and understanding of technical systems are enriched, expanding beyond the traditional focus of engineering rooted in interoperability, efficiency, reliability, and innovation.

This expanded perspective integrates a deep awareness of ecosystemic relationships, underscoring the importance of designing and operating technical systems in harmony with natural environments and human needs.

It also embraces a strong ethical dimension, advocating for the creation and use of technology that aligns with societal values and moral considerations, emphasizing the need to address psychological and physiological aspects, ensuring that technical systems not only meet functional requirements but also do not disrupt human well-being and health.

Challenges in Complex Systems

Studying and designing complex systems is a formidable endeavor, marked by unique challenges rooted in their intrinsic characteristics.

The main challenge lies in the systems’ non-linearity and interconnectedness, which lead to unpredictable and emergent behaviors that defy straightforward analysis or modeling.

Capturing the dynamic and often adaptive nature of these systems further complicates their study, as it requires models that can evolve and respond to changing conditions.

Additionally, the scale of interactions within complex systems poses significant computational and analytical challenges, requiring advanced, and sometimes bespoke, methodologies and infrastructures.

The interdisciplinary nature of these systems also demands a convergence of knowledge from diverse fields, making the synthesis of information a complex task in itself, since the actors working together may be referring to different ontologies and taxonomies which may not necessarily be ‘translatable’ into one another.

Furthermore, designing interventions or solutions within these systems requires a delicate balance, as changes in one part can have cascading and unforeseen effects on the whole system, underscoring the need for holistic and carefully considered approaches.


The exploration of complex systems, spanning the diverse realms of natural, social, and technical environments, is pivotal in navigating the challenges of our contemporary world.

Through the lens of neo-cybernetics, this exploration transcends traditional disciplinary boundaries, offering a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness and dynamic interactions that define these systems.

By increasing our awareness of the nuances within each type of system — from the ecological balances in natural systems to the cultural and ethical considerations in social systems, and the technological advancements in line with human and ecological needs in technical systems — we can enable more effective design, management, and engagement strategies.

Our approach intends to guide the future generation of cybernetics professional to not only appreciate the complexities inherent in these systems but also to leverage this understanding in fostering systems that are adaptable, resilient, and sustainable.

This approach is not just about holistic problem-solving but also about envisioning and shaping a future where technology, society, and nature coexist in harmony, and where the systems we interact with daily enhance the quality of life, promote ecological balance, and follow ethical standards.


  1. Wiener, N. (1961). Cybernetics: Or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine. MIT Press.
  2. Meadows, D. H. (2009). Thinking in Systems: A Primer. Chelsea Green Publishing.
  3. Luhmann, N. (1995). Social Systems. Stanford University Press.
  4. Kauffman, S. (1996). At Home in the Universe: The Search for the Laws of Self-Organization and Complexity. Oxford University Press.
  5. Mitchell, M. (2011). Complexity: A Guided Tour. Oxford University Press.
  6. Ashby, W. R. (1956). An Introduction to Cybernetics. Chapman & Hall.
  7. Holland, J. H. (1999). Emergence: From Chaos to Order. Helix Books.
  8. Waldrop, M. M. (1993). Complexity: The Emerging Science at the Edge of Order and Chaos. Simon & Schuster.
  9. Capra, F., & Luisi, P. L. (2014). The Systems View of Life: A Unifying Vision. Cambridge University Press.
  10. Hayles, N. K. (1999). How We Became Posthuman: Virtual Bodies in Cybernetics, Literature, and Informatics. University of Chicago Press.
  11. Complex Systems in Environment and Ecology,

This article was crafted with the assistance of Atlas, the generative agent of the Neo-Cybernetics community, powered by GPT-4 technology. Atlas provided support in synthesizing information from multiple sources, also contributing to improve the language to make complex concepts more accessible to a general audience.

