Determinism in Complex Systems

Wolfgang Stegemann, Dr. phil.
Published in
6 min readAug 20, 2024

The question of whether highly complex systems such as the human brain can be deterministic leads us to the interface of mathematics, neuroscience and philosophy. This debate combines modern scientific findings with classical philosophical questions and challenges us to rethink our understanding of consciousness and free will.

Classical determinism, advocated by philosophers such as Baruch Spinoza and later Pierre-Simon Laplace, assumes that every event is completely determined by preceding events. Laplace formulated the idea of universal determinism, according to which an omniscient intellect, knowing all the laws of nature and the state of the universe at a given point in time, could calculate the entire future and past. This idea of a perfectly predictable universe forms the basis for mathematical determinism.

However, mathematical developments in the 20th century have challenged this classical view. Kurt Gödel’s incompleteness theorem showed that in every sufficiently powerful formal system there are statements that can neither be proven nor disproved within this system. Alan Turing’s work on the halting problem demonstrated fundamental limits of computability. These findings suggest that even in deterministic systems there may be fundamental limits to predictability.

Chaos theory, developed by mathematicians such as Edward Lorenz, introduced the concept of sensitivity to initial conditions. In chaotic systems, the smallest differences in initial conditions can lead to completely different results, making long-term predictions virtually impossible. This challenges Laplace’s notion of perfect predictability without abandoning the underlying determinism.

Complexity theory, to which scientists such as Ilya Prigogine have contributed, expands this perspective. It shows how complex systems can develop new, emergent properties far from equilibrium that cannot be reduced to the deterministic rules of their constituents. This opens up the mathematical possibility that phenomena such as consciousness and free will could arise as emergent properties in highly complex systems.

These mathematical insights are reflected in the philosophical debate. Compatibilists such as Daniel Dennett argue that freedom does not require the absence of causes, but the ability to act in accordance with one’s desires and beliefs. This position is well reconciled with the mathematical reality of chaotic but deterministic systems.

Libertarian philosophers such as Robert Kane, on the other hand, see quantum mechanics as a possible source of true indeterminism. They argue that indeterministic processes at the quantum level could lead to macroscopic effects in the brain that enable true freedom. This is where philosophical considerations meet the mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics, which makes probabilistic instead of deterministic predictions.

The distinction between epistemic and ontological determinism, emphasized by philosophers such as John Searle, finds its mathematical counterpart in complexity theory. Even if a system is ontologically deterministic, it can be epistemically unpredictable due to its complexity. This leads to the mathematical-philosophical question of whether the practical unpredictability of complex systems is sufficient to speak of freedom.

Newer approaches, such as Christian List’s, take into account different levels of description. Mathematically speaking, determinism at the microscopic level could well be compatible with emergent freedom at the macroscopic level, since these levels have their own laws that cannot be completely reduced.

The mathematical consideration of highly complex systems such as the human brain with its approximately 86 billion neurons and trillions of synapses reinforces this perspective. The sheer number of variables and their interactions makes a complete mathematical description or prediction virtually impossible, even if the system basically follows deterministic rules.

Some philosophers and scientists, such as Roger Penrose, go even further and speculate about possible quantum effects in the brain that could play a role in consciousness and free will. This would build a bridge between the indeterminacy of the quantum world and the macroscopic level of consciousness, but remains highly controversial.

Mathematically, one could argue as follows:

A network of 100 billion nodes and trillions of connections has unimaginable complexity. The absence of a precise “schematic” for each individual connection is a strong argument against strict determinism. To formalize this mathematically, it might look like this:

1. Complexity and Information Theory:

The Kolmogorov complexity of a system is defined as the length of the shortest program that can fully describe that system. For a network with N nodes and E edges, the complexity increases with O(N log N + E). With 100 billion nodes and trillions of connections, this is beyond any practical description.

2. Computational theory:

The problem of predicting the behavior of such a network could be classified as EXPTIME-complete or even more severe. This means that the computational time grows exponentially with the size of the problem, making any practical computation impossible.

3. Dynamic systems:

We can think of the network as a high-dimensional dynamic system. The dimension of the phase space would be in the order of the number of connections. In such high-dimensional spaces, phenomena occur that do not exist in lower dimensions (curse of dimensionality).

4. Statistical Physics:

From the point of view of statistical physics, one could argue that with such a large number of elements, statistical laws dominate. This leads to emergent properties that cannot be derived directly from the individual parts.

5. Nonlinear Dynamics:

In such a complex network, non-linear interactions are inevitable. The theory of nonlinear systems shows that even simple nonlinear systems can exhibit chaotic behavior. In a system of this magnitude, chaos would be virtually guaranteed.

6. Loss of information:

According to the Landauer principle, the deletion of information is associated with an increase in entropy. In such a large network, constant loss of information would be inevitable, resulting in intrinsic indeterminacy.

7. Quantum effects:

Although the brain operates mainly at the mesoscopic level, quantum effects at the molecular level (e.g. in ion channels) could lead to macroscopic effects. Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle sets fundamental limits to determinability here.

8. Limits of predictability:

Turing’s halt problem shows that there is no general procedure for deciding whether any program will ever stop. Applied to our network, this means that it could be impossible to predict its long-term behavior.

Mathematical formulation:

We could argue that the predictability P of the system asymptotically approaches zero as complexity C increases:

lim(C → ∞) P(C) = 0

C grows with the number of nodes N and connections E:

C = f(N, E), where f grows faster than any polynomial function

These mathematical considerations support the argument that a system of this complexity cannot be deterministic in the classical sense. The combination of the sheer size of the system, the absence of a precise “schematic”, nonlinear interactions, and possibly subtle quantum effects leads to a degree of indeterminacy that is virtually indistinguishable from true indeterminism.

It must be emphasized that this mathematical consideration does not prove that the system is indeed indeterministic, but rather that it cannot be treated as deterministic from a practical and possibly even principled point of view. This opens the door to concepts such as emergent freedom or compatibilist interpretations of free will that are compatible with our experience of agency without presupposing strict determinism.

The challenge now is to develop an understanding that does justice to both mathematical realities and our subjective experience of freedom and responsibility. Perhaps, as Thomas Nagel suggests, we need entirely new conceptual and mathematical frameworks to grasp the nature of consciousness and free will in all its complexity.

Ultimately, this debate shows that the question of determinism in complex systems goes far beyond technical and mathematical details. It touches on fundamental questions of our self-image and our position in the world. The mathematical complexity of the brain, combined with the insights from chaos theory, quantum mechanics and complexity science, suggests that strict determinism in the classical sense is untenable.

