The Dance of Loops: A New Perspective on Systems and Life

Daniele Nanni
Published in
4 min readOct 5, 2023


In both nature and technology, interconnected loops represent a step forward in efficiency and adaptability, highlighting the intricate balance between innovation and seamless integration.


Imagine observing the seamless flow of traffic on a circular junction, or the perpetual cycles of seasons. Such consistent, cyclical patterns are what scientists refer to as “loops.”

But Katoshi, an emergent figure in our Neo-Cybernetics community and a seasoned Software Engineer and System Architect, perceives these loops on a grander scale.

For him, loops are not just patterns, but the very foundation of life and systems.

He postulates a world where everything, from the biological processes in our bodies to the operations of a software program, is governed by a series of interconnected loops.

Let’s dive into this fascinating theory.

Bridging Nature and Technology

In one of his recent essays, Katoshi explains two elements that are central to his theories: the Catalyst and the Carrier. Let’s explain what they mean with an analogy.

Image from Katoshi, Unraveling the Origin of Life through the Loop-Centric Model and Systems Engineering, September 17 2023

Imagine a factory line where one station changes a material and passes it to the next. These stations use catalysts to change the material and move onto the next phase of transformation.

When the last station passes its output back to the first station, it forms a circle or loop, just like links in a chain.

Carriers could be imagined as conveyor belts that move the materials between stations performing a process of transformation. Some loops have their own conveyor belts, while others borrow from outside.

Just like machines need electricity to run, these processes need energy. While the author is keeping it simple and not showing energy in the diagram above, remember that it’s always there.

Going back to our factory analogy, imagine if Tesla, the car manufacturer, decided to incorporate Bridgestone, a tire manufacturer, directly into its operations.

Instead of having two separate entities, they become one. When a car is being assembled at Tesla, Bridgestone would be right there producing and fitting the tires onto the vehicles.

They’d work together, seamlessly passing materials and finished components between them. This is like an integration of loops, since, Bridgestone’s loops become an integral part of the Tesla factory’s loops.

The Tesla factory analogy represents what Katoshi defines as Loop Integration, where multiple carriers are connected to create an integrated, efficient system.

Over time, as the assembly line evolves, Tesla might find that they can incorporate other specialized factories or processes, like Panasonic for batteries, or Bosch for electronic components.

The beauty of this method is in its adaptability.

Just like in the real world, if Tesla finds a better tire manufacturer than Bridgestone in the future, they could integrate the new manufacturer, making it a new loop, while potentially phasing out the older one. This represents another concept that Katoshi discusses in his essay called “loop replacement”.

The World through in Loops

Those who are familiar with traditional Cybernetics may have noticed the parallels with some elements from the discipline and Katoshi’s Loop-Centric model and his vision of the world.

Katoshi’s theories underscore the adaptive capabilities of systems, mirroring the very essence of Cybernetics: control and communication. In the same vein, Katoshi’s loops serve as both the catalyst and the medium of communication.

They initiate, adapt, and evolve based on feedback from their environment and this is true for both the natural and the artificial world.

Katoshi’s perspective is set apart through its synergy with Neo-Cybernetics foundational principles.

The loops, as reflective entities, urge systems to not just adapt but to evolve, fostering a sense of purpose and interconnectedness.

This evolution is at the core of Neo-Cybernetics’ theories, being the third component of the Neo-Cybernetics triad: Understand, Harmonize, Evolve.

Katoshi’s perspective offers a fresh, holistic lens through which we can perceive our surroundings and better understand the origins of life.

Feel free to read more about how the Loop-Centric model can be applied to understand the origin of life in Katoshi’s original essay.


In a world of endless change and escalating complexity, we are constantly in search of frameworks that provide clarity, understanding, and guidance.

Katoshi, with his perspective and deep-rooted understanding of both the ancient rhythms and modern cadences of systems, can contribute to a renewed discourse on the nature of interconnectedness.

His integration of the universal loops and the principles of Neo-Cybernetics provides an inspiring proof of the adaptability and resilience inherent in both nature and man-made constructs.


Katoshi, Unraveling the Origin of Life through the Loop-Centric Model and Systems Engineering, September 17 2023, Medium Article,

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Daniele Nanni

Developing Neo-Cybernetics to empower humanity. Exploring AI's impact on our world.