Look out of the window

Vishnu Padmanabhan
neo elemento
Published in
2 min readOct 14, 2015


I’ve read a story many years back. A man was admitted to a hospital just adjacent to a man who had his bed next to a window. They eventually started talking and became friends. The guy next to the window was terminally ill, but used to narrate the beauty of the world outside. Everyday he would talk for long hours about the wonderful beauty of nature and people outside. He created a wonderful view of the world outside of the room to his companion who couldn’t see through the window.

One day, inevitably he passed away and his companion requested hospital authorities to move his bed to the window so that he can enjoy the view. But to his dismay, the window opened to reveal the wall of a neighbouring building and nothing else. All the beautiful scenery his friend described was from his own imagination.

This is an ultimate story that conveys the true meaning of happiness even when things are not going your way. The world is how you look at it. So, it’s important that you look at it the right way. Trying to see positivity around us is very important to start feeling good. If nothing else, feel happy for the fact that you were given an opportunity to be born in this wonderful earth and live your life. If that doesn’t make you feel good, I don’t know what will.

Remind yourself how tiny you are. Earth is just one of the many planets around the Sun which is just one of the millions of stars in Milky Way which in turn is one of the millions and millions of galaxy in the universe. You are born human, that’s a very special thing. See the beauty of the world as it exists. Always make the most of your time here. This doesn’t mean going for a skydive and saying “YOLO” doing crazy things. It means making your life count and feeling that you are doing the best you could do.

Remember, the window exists in everyone’s life, but what you see outside depends on how you look at it.

