The 7 Ps of success in business

Vishnu Padmanabhan
neo elemento
Published in
2 min readOct 28, 2013


“People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing — that’s why we recommend it daily.”

— Zig Ziglar

Success comes when there is a series of activities carried out in a systematic way. This can be summed up in 7 Ps:

1. Passion

This is the reason that you doing the business! Passion is the key that drives the entrepreneurial spirit. Nobody can run a business that he or she is not passionate about. Find your passion and make it a way of your life.

2. Practice

Having a passion is just the start. But being good at it is absolutely important or else you will not stand out in this world with a huge competition in every field. What makes your skill and passion worth something is your practice, practice and more practice.

3. Purpose

Now that you have a passion and you have practiced it really well, what next? Whatever be your passion, your potential customers need to have a reason to buy the product or service that you are offering them. So finding the purpose is also equally important. Learn from your customers what they want and give it to them.

4. Plan

Planning is extremely important as nothing goes well without proper planning. Perfect planning helps in proper execution of the idea. Have long-term and short-term plans along with backup plans for your business.

5. Perseverance

All the above will not work out if you do not stick to it. There might be difficulties and hurdles, but in the end the one who stays in the game, wins the game. Reminding yourself everyday that this is your passion and this is what you want to do in your life keeps you going through difficult times. Get motivated everyday. Write down your goals and stick it somewhere you can see everyday. Make commitments that you cannot refuse to undertake.

6. Perfection

Once you are in the game, you learn a lot. Your experience teaches you to get more aligned to perfection. The world gives preference to perfection. Be really good at what you do, giving attention to minor details. Keep improvising. This can really change the way you sell.

7. Patience

This is the key. Everything takes its own time. Absence of immediate results should not frustrate you ever. Be patient and keep working towards your goal.

