Blockchain Summit Latin America — NeoResearch in Uruguay

Alexandre Barbosa
The Neo Pulse
Published in
2 min readSep 6, 2018

After the Chilean edition of the Blockchain Summit Latam (BSL), yesterday (5th) was the time of Uruguay. It is worth noting that the event was the very first of its kind in the country. NEO again was one of the major attractions and it was once more represented by NeoResearch.

By the way, do you know NeoResearch? It is a community that has been developing novel scientific and technological solutions to NEO. Mainly with regards to the enhancement of the consensus algorithm, the NeoCompiler, and discussing innovative and reliable economic models. That is, by seeking the equilibrium of the smart contracts costs in terms of real network capacity.

NEO Community meet up

On the 3rd there was a very positive NEO meetup. The Latin American community could be strenghtened through ideas and knowledge exchanged. Moreover, the brothers Coelho manifested the potential of NEO in the continent and the healthy and fruitful relationship with the Chinese developers community. The fraternization had also the participation of the organizers of the event who provided a relevant picture of the blockchain environment in Uruguay.

The BSL took place on the 5th at the Golf Club of Uruguay in Montevideo. It had roughly fourty speakers in a whole day event with simultaneous lectures, panels and workshops. Among the keynote ones, there were several representatives of blockchain networks, services providers, entrepreneurs and blockchain experts. Vitor Nazário Coelho and Igor Machado conducted an interesting panel in which they provided an overview of NEO blockchain development. That is, from its basics to its latest advances, including the MultiSig and high performance agreements, for instance. Additionally, the name of the room was Antonopoulos. A reverence to one of the principal names of the blockchain ecosystem worldwide, the Greek-British computer scientist Andreas Antonopoulos.

Frederico Ast (Kleros), Igor Machado Coelho and Vitor Nazário Coelho

Furthermore, Vitor argued about the top level event in terms of competences, commitment and interest from all projects. Collaboration is a principle in distributed systems and the experience in Uruguay was definitely a great signal for blockchain maturity path.

It is important to mention the crucial role that Tamar Salant, the Global Business Manager of NGD has played from the very beggining. This by establishing partnerships and empowering the Latin American community with genuinesses.

Stay tunned for the next BSL events, 17–18 October in Colombia!

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Check our Medium for news in Portuguese and Spanish. Be part of the movement you ask for.

This is just the beginning of the NEO dissemination in Latin America.

