CGAS — contract mapping of GAS officially launched in NEO MainNet

The Neo Pulse
Published in
3 min readSep 6, 2018

Digital assets constitute an integral part of NEO Smart Economy, which consists of global assets (NEO & GAS) and contract assets (NEP-5). With the prosperity of NEO ecosystem, there is an increasing number of large dApps implemented on NEO, requiring diverse types of assets.

In response to the community voices, NGD developed CGAS, a contract asset that maps GAS to the contract. CGAS is a NEP-5 token with a total supply of 100 million, equal to the total supply of GAS. According to Chris Chen, NGD senior blockchain developer, “As NEO game ecosystem is becoming more complete, there is a growing requirement for GAS application scenarios. Take in-game assets for example, assume it costs 5 GAS for in-game purchase of a gear, since direct invocation of global assets is not technically supported, we thus develop CGAS, convertible to GAS at a 1:1 ratio. This way, GAS can be transferred within contracts and you can simply pay with CGAS. Special credit to NEL, a Chinese NEO developer community, who has contributed to the design and coding of CGAS.


CGAS refer to NEP-5 contract assets issued by NGD (NEO Global Development). CGAS can be exchanged for GAS at a 1:1 ratio and are fully refundable. The contract aims to map global assets GAS for the benefit of its internal transfer using the method of contract invocation.


Script Hash: 0x9121e89e8a0849857262d67c8408601b5e8e0524

CGAS Contract Address: AK4LdT5ZXR9DQZjfk5X6Xy79mE8ad8jKAW

Methods defined in NEP-5 standard:

Additional methods other than NEP-5 methods used to support GAS-CGAS swap:

Notification defined in NEP-5 standard:

Other notifications realized in the contract:

Please refer to technical docs for more details about CGAS:

